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EtherLite Hung Port


If the ON LED goes out, this means the unit is corrupt.  


If you have a port that doesn't seem to work, try simply moving the cable from the failing port to an unused port, changing the application to point to the new port and see if operations can be resumed.  If not, then it's not the port, it's the device.  If the device fails:
1. Verify you are running the latest EtherLite driver.
2. Verify that socket 771, which the RealPort driver uses to talk to the EtherLite is not blocked on the network.
3. Try running Verlog.exe.  This utility can be downloaded from the Digi ftp site here.  
     Run Verlog.exe and enter the IP Address of the EtherLite to verify that the EtherLite is responsive.  If so, try 
    reinstalling the driver.
4. If not, try running BootPS.exe.  This utility can be downloaded fromthe Digi ftp site here.
5. Run BootPS.exe and power cycle the EtherLite.  You should get a response from the EtherLite's MAC address and IP 
    address.  If you don"t get a response, verify your network connectivity and EtherLite LEDs.  

If it is the port, try rebooting and see if the port returns on reboot.  If so, the port probably got jammed.  If it happens with any regularity, contact Technical Support to see if the problem can be diagnosed.  If the port never comes back, then likely, the RS-232 line driver(s) and/or receiver(s) have been damaged by something environmental, and the unit needs to be returned for repair.

If the port comes back at every boot, but seems to jam permanently on first access, it may be a flow control, cabling, or configuration problem. Contact Technical Support to diagnose the problem further.

Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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