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"ERROR" Message When Sending Fleet CLI Commands to a Digi TransPort WR44

Certain Digi TransPort WR44® routers come with a Fleet card.  Under certain circumstances during configuration or management,  the router might report "ERROR" to a Fleet CLI command.

First, verify that the Fleet card is correctly powered as described in the hardware guide here:
on Page 8

If the Fleet card is not properly connected as described in the guide, the router will not detect it and any Fleet CLI commands will show "ERROR".

One easy way to confirm that the Fleet card is correctly detected by the router is to issue the "tags" command:


If L00 is shown, then the Fleet card is correctly powered and detected. Fleet CLI commands will work.

If E00 is shown, the Fleet card is not detected by the router. Fleet CLI commands will report "ERROR"
Either it is not correctly powered or it is faulty. Please contact Digi Technical Support for further troubleshooting.


Last updated: Sep 26, 2024

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