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Do the AnywhereUSB or AnywhereUSB Plus products support USB Port Sharing or multiple connections?

This KB article is only applicable to the following AnywhereUSB and AnywhereUSB Plus models, all of which offer the Multi-Host Connections (MHC) feature:

  • AnywhereUSB/14 (P/N AW-USB-14)
  • AnywhereUSB/5M (P/N AW-USB-5M) 
  • AnywhereUSB 2 Plus
  • AnywhereUSB 8 Plus (all variants)
  • AnywhereUSB 24 Plus (all variants)

Though it is possible for more than one Host computer to connect to the models listed above at the same time, it is not possible for multiple Host computers to "share" the same Group/USB Ports (or their attached USB devices) at the same time.

If a Group/USB Port (and the attached USB device) needs to be used by more than one host computer, they must "take turns" connecting, i.e. the host computer/AnywhereUSB Manager client that's currently Connected must first Disconnect from the Group/USB Port(s) before any other Host computer will be able to Connect.


Host computer A and host computer B both need to use a USB license dongle that's attached to an AnywhereUSB 2 Plus.  This USB dongle is physically attached to USB port 1 of the AnywhereUSB 2 Plus.  Within the AnywhereUSB Manager and AnywhereUSB 2 Plus Configuration, Group 1 is associated with USB Port 1, meaning that a host computer must connect to Group 1 in order to use this USB dongle.

If host computer A is connected to Group 1, it has exclusive access to that USB port and attached USB device (in this case, the USB dongle), and Host computer B cannot connect to Group 1 (USB port 1, which has the USB dongle attached) at this point in time.

In order for host computer B to use the USB dongle, host computer A must Disconnect from the AnywhereUSB Goup/Port.  This Disconnect also MUST be initiated from host computer A, as it's not possible for host computer B to forcefully disconnect host computer A from the Group/USB Port.  It's also not possible to forcefully disconnect host computer A from the AnywhereUSB 2 Plus hub itself.

Related KB article:  Can Multiple Host Computers Connect to an AnywhereUSB or AnywhereUSB Plus at the same time?  

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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