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Disabling the processor on the XIB-R interface board

Intelligence on the XIB-R (XIBR) interface board programs the RF module based on the positions of the DIP Switch each time the RF Modem is powered on.
To disable automatic AT commands from the processor J7 must be populated on the interface board.

During the power-on sequence, AT Commands are sent and parameters values are set according the the following algorithm:
// Pseudo code for XIB-R start-up.
// Processor on interface board XIB-R reads dip
// switches: SW1, SW2, SW5, SW6 and ConfigSW, then sends 
// commands to the modem according to the algorithm below.
// To disable the processor (no parameter changes on power up) 
// it is necessary to populate J7 on the interface board.
// In the pseudo code, the switch on position is 
// represented as a one (1=ON).
// Begin execution On power up

// Begin

if (J7==1 || ConfigSW==1) // if J7 is populated (ON)
{ // or if Config switch is pressed 
deepsleep(); // abort program and shut down processor
} // program ends here when J7 is populated.

force_AT_command_mode(); // Use config (pin 9) to enter cmd mode

autobaud(); // Use ''''OK'''' response to compute the default baud rate

if (SW1==1 && SW2==1) // when switches 1 & 2 are up
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATRE''''); // restore defaults
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATWR''''); // and save to non-volatile memory

if ( SW5==0 && SW6==0) // set parity options for modem
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATNB0''''); // parity = None
else if (SW5==0 && SW6==1)
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATNB1''''); // parity = Even
else if (SW5==1 && SW6==0)
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATNB2''''); // parity = Odd
else // if (SW5==1 && SW6==1)
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATNB5''''); // transmit 9-bit data over-the-air

if (SW1 == 0) // for RS485 or RS422 operation
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATCS3''''); // Select TXEnable function for CTS line
} // (DB9 pin 8, module pin 1 - CTS)
else // SW1 == 1, for RS232 operation 
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATCS0''''); // Select CTS function for CTS line
} // (DB9 pin 8, module pin 1 - CTS)

Send_AT_cmd(''''ATCD2''''); // Select ''''default low'''' for DCD and DSR lines
// (DB9 pins 1 & 6, module pin 7 - RXLED)
Send_AT_cmd(''''ATCN''''); // exit command mode

deepsleep(); // abort program and shut down processor

// end program execution, program will only run again on power up.
Last updated: Oct 29, 2024

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