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Disabling telnet or ssh access to the Digi CM config menu or command line.

  • Modify "/etc/inetd.conf" and comment out or delete the telnet/ssh service.
  • cp :/etc/inetd.conf" to "/usr2/inetd.conf"
  • Add the following commands in the "/usr2/rc.user" script. Add these commands just above "exit 0":
    • cp -a /usr2/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf
    • while killall inetd 2>/dev/null;
    • do sleep 1;
    • done
    • /usr/sbin/inetd
  • reboot

**WARNING: Disabling both telnet and ssh will then only allow access to the Digi CM through the console port or WEB UI.

If you factory default the unit, the "/usr2/rc.user" script file is moved to "/usr2/rc.user.old#" and the default rc.user file will be restored.

Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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