Digi TransPort VDSL Configuration for BT Infinity

British Telecom Infinity VDSL Lines require specific settings in order to operate properly with a Digi TransPort WR44 Router.

You can find more details about BT Infinity on their web site : www.bt.com/broadband

Web Interface Configuration:

VDSL can run in bridged Ethernet mode or PPPoE.  It is likely that PPPoE mode will be the most common. In this article, PPPoE mode will be described.

Please note: Digi TransPort Routers with DSL comes pre-configured for standard DSL lines. This article describes the changes needed to use a BT Infinity VDSL line.

Chose an un-used Ethernet interface as the WAN interface to link with VDSL, so preferably a logical interface, e.g. ETH 12 and set it to DHCP.

Configuration - Network > Interfaces > Ethernet > Logical Ethernet Interfaces > ETH 12

User-added image

- Get an IP Address automatically using DHCP

Click Apply

Link the DSL interface with Ethernet 12

Configuration - Network > Interfaces > DSL

User-added image

- Check Enable DSL
- Chose 12 in the "Link VDSL interface with Ethernet"
- Make sure "Enable this PVC" is UNCHECKED.
- Click Apply

Configure PPP 3 to use PPPoE and Ethernet 12

Configuration - Network > Interfaces > Advanced > PPP 0-0 > PPP 3

User-added image

- Select PPPoE under "This interface will use"
- enter the MAC number and Interface number in the next field. To confirm this information :



Assuming Eth 12 was selected earlier, check the MAC address in use by Eth 12 via the command line which is accessible from the web interface under Administration - Execute a command

eth 12 status
Activation Status:      Inactive
Connection Status:      Connected
Physical Port:          VDSL
MAC:                    00 04 2D E3 AE B4
IP Address:   

Note the MAC address in use (above) and cross reference this with the 'hw' output (below) to determine which MAC address Eth 12 is using:


Serial Number: 241332
HW Rev: 5203a
MAC 0: 00042d03aeb4
MAC 1: 00042df3aeb4
MAC 2: 00042de3aeb4
MAC 3: 00042dd3aeb4
MAC 4: 00042dc3aeb4
MAC 5: 000000000000
MAC 6: 000000000000
Model: TransPort WR44v2
Part#: WR44v2-U800-DE2-XX
RAM: 64 MB
FPGA Rev: 1.0
MSP430 Rev: 1.1
WWAN supply: 1.931 V

It can be seen above that Eth 12 is using MAC 2. The field should now be populated with 212.

In this test, the following username/password is used. Please note that these might changed based on the contract or per customers. Please check with BT for the correct username/password to use.
- username: bthomehub@btbroadband.com
- password: bt

Configuration - Network > Interfaces > Advanced > PPP 0-0 > PPP 3 > PPP Negotiation

User-added image

- Desired local ACCM: 0xffffffff
- Desired local MRU: 1492
- Uncheck ALL Request options.
- Desired remote ACCM: 0xffffffff
- Desired remote MRU: 1492
- Remote ACFC: Deny
- Remote PFC: Deny
- Click Apply

Configure Ethernet 12 VLAN

BT Infinity requires a VLAN ID on the PPPoE packets to be set to 101.

Configuration - Network > Interfaces > Ethernet > VLANs

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- Check ETH 12

Scroll down to the VLANs configuration

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- Set VLAN ID to: 101
- Set Ethernet Interface to: 12
- Click Add

It should now look like this:

User-added image

- Click Apply

Save configuration.

View DSL line status

Management - Network Status > Interfaces > DSL

User-added image

View PPP Status

User-added image

Command Line Interface Configuration:

The following lines are required to apply this configuration via command line:

eth 12 vlan ON
eth 12 vdsl ON
eth 12 dhcpcli ON
vlan 0 vlanid 101
vlan 0 ethctx 12
addp 0 enable ON
apvc 0 enabled OFF
def_route 0 ll_ent "PPP"
def_route 0 ll_add 3
ppp 3 name "DSL"
ppp 3 l1iface "ETH"
ppp 3 l1nb 212
ppp 3 username "bthomehub@btbroadband.com"
ppp 3 epassword "Ois="
ppp 3 r_addr OFF
ppp 3 IPaddr ""
ppp 3 l_addr ON
ppp 3 timeout 0
ppp 3 do_nat 2
ppp 3 natip "0"
ppp 3 aodion 1
ppp 3 autoassert 1
ppp 3 immoos ON
ppp 3 echo 10
ppp 3 echodropcnt 5
ppp 3 l_accm "0xffffffff"
ppp 3 l_mru 1492
ppp 3 r_mru 1492
ppp 3 l_acfc OFF
ppp 3 r_acfc 2
ppp 3 l_pap OFF
ppp 3 l_chap OFF
ppp 3 l_comp OFF
ppp 3 l_pfc OFF
ppp 3 r_pfc 2
ppp 3 defpak 16

Eventlog showing DSL and PPP going up :

type eventlog

14:51:24, 01 Apr 2015,Default Route 0 Available,Activation
14:51:24, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 Available,Activation
14:51:24, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 up
14:51:24, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 Start IPCP
14:51:23, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 Start AUTHENTICATE
14:51:23, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 Start LCP
14:51:23, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 Start 
14:51:23, 01 Apr 2015,PPPOE 3 PPP Session Established with acc-aln1.nao
14:51:11, 01 Apr 2015,PPPOE 3 Discovery Started
14:51:03, 01 Apr 2015,DSL 0 up
14:51:03, 01 Apr 2015,DSL line: Showtime (39976 kbps down | 10000 kbps up)
14:51:03, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 down,LL disconnect
14:50:56, 01 Apr 2015,DSL line: Chan Analysis
14:50:55, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 down,LL disconnect
14:50:51, 01 Apr 2015,DSL line: Training
14:50:47, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 down,LL disconnect
14:50:46, 01 Apr 2015,DSL line: Chan Discovery
14:50:39, 01 Apr 2015,PPP 3 down,LL disconnect
14:50:38, 01 Apr 2015,DSL line: Activating
14:50:37, 01 Apr 2015,DSL line: Idle


Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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