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Digi Port Authority


The DigiBoard Port Authority (DPA) program is a software tool which provides a means to monitor the status of the Front End Processor/Operating System (FEP/OS), which is the on-board software run by DigiBoard intelligent serial communications products.

The DPA software also shows the status of the individual ports on a concen- trator or PORTS module by displaying a simulated concentrator front panel. Each of the eight supported RS-232 signals is displayed, along with input and output flow control status and the status of the host adapter to concentrator connection status.

The DPA program can be run from any terminal on the system, and supports the following DigiBoard hardware and device drivers:

Hardware:       DigiBoard C/X, EPC/X and Xem systems

Software:       UNIX System V, Release 4 device driver, version 2.1 and up

                Solaris x86, device driver, version 1.0 and up
The DPA software is installed automatically when you install this device driver .


Using the DPA Software

To run the DigiBoard Port Authority software, enter the following command from any terminal, or the system console: dpa [-l logfile]

The -l logfile option specifies the file path for screen dumps. If this option is not specified, the default log file path is /tmp/dpalog.


The DPA Main Screen

After reading the initial information screen, press any key to see the DPA main screen, which will be similar to the following:


|                       * DigiBoard Port Authority *
|       Type         State     I/O Addr     Mem Addr     Mem Size    #Ports
|  1    ISA - EPC/X  OK        108          d8000        32K           32
|  2   EISA - Xem    OK        4005         c8000        32K           16
|  3   EISA - C/X    OK        1005         d8000        32K           128
|    Space Bar = (Accept)  Arrow Keys = (Change Selection)
|                        ''''Q'''' = Quit
  • The fields in the above screen have the following meanings:
  • Type: The bus type (EISA, ISA, MC) and board type (C/X, Xem, EPC/X) detected by the DigiBoard device driver.
  • State: The current state of the board. Possible values are:
  • OK Indicates the adapter is functioning normally.
  • NOT FOUND The device driver could not identify this type of board.
  • NO IO The device driver was unable to communicate with the board via the I/O port. Switch settings could be incorrect.
  • NO MEMORY The device driver was unable to allocate the necessary memory for this board.
  • NO BIOS Unable to download the BIOS image. Possible hardware failure.
  • NO FEP/OS Unable to download the FEP/OS image. Possible hardware failure.
  • HD/W FAIL An unrecoverable error with the FEP/OS has been detected. Possible hardware failure.
  • NO PORTS (Xem system only) The BIOS on the Xem host adapter could not detect any ports. Possible hardware failure.
  • I/O Addr: The adapter''''s I/O port address (hexadecimal).
  • Mem Addr: The starting address of the adapter''''s dual ported memory (hexadecimal).
  • Mem Size: The size of the adapter''''s dual ported memory.
  • #Ports The number of ports for which the device driver has been configured (this may be different than the actual number of ports physically attached).
To get more info about one of the displayed adapters, use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlighted bar to the desired board, then press space bar.

NOTE: If the arrow keys do not map correctly, the DPA program will display the following message: Invalid Key. (Key Number) If this occurs, substitute the standard UNIX cursor movement keys for the up and down arrows: Down = J or j; Up = K or k.


Viewing the Adapter Configuration

After you press the space bar, you will see the current configuration of the selected board.


Xem Adapters:

|                       * DigiBoard Port Authority *                          |
|                                                                             |
|   ________________    ______    _____    _____                              |
|  | Adapt EBI Line |--| 16em |--| 8em |--| 8em |                             |
|   ----------------    ------    -----    -----                              |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|      Space Bar = (Accept)  Arrow Keys = (Change) ''''-'''' Key = (Return)   |
|                            ''''Q'''' Key = Quit                             |
|                                                                             |

The above display shows the status of the selected Xem host adapter. Attached PORTS modules are identified by [16em] for PORTS/16em modules, [8em] for PORTS/8em modules and [8emp] for PORTS/8emp modules.


C/X and EPC/X Host Adapters:

|                       * DigiBoard Port Authority *                          |
|                                                                             |
|   ______________    ____    ____    ____    ____                            |
|  | Adapt Line 1 |--| AC |--| AC |--| AC |--| AC |                           |
|   --------------    ----    ----    ----    ----                            |
|   Line 1 Configuration                                                      |
|   Adapt  to Node 1 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 1 to Node 2 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 2 to Node 3 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 3 to Node 4 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|                                                                             |
|   ______________    ____    ____                                            |
|  | Adapt Line 2 |--| AC |--| AC |                                           |
|   --------------    ----    ----                                            |
|                            | 32 |                                           |
|                             ----                                            |
|   Line 2 Configuration                                                      |
|   Adapt  to Node 1 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 1 to Node 2 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|                                                                             |
|      Space Bar = (Accept)  Arrow Keys = (Change) ''''-'''' Key = (Return)   |
|                            ''''Q'''' Key = Quit                             |

The above display shows the status of the selected host adapter. Concentrators are represented by [AC] if active, or [DN] if inactive (turned off, defective, etc.). In this case, the board is an EPC/X host adapter, with four concentra- tors connected to line 1, and two concentrators on line 2. Note the number [32] below the second concentrator on Line 2. This indicates that the second concentrator has a PORTS/16em module (or two PORTS/8em modules) attached, for a total of 32 ports on that concentrator.

The display also shows the speed and wiring method between the host adapter and the first concentrator (node), and between subsequent interconnected concentra- tors. To see a C/X or EPC/X host adapter''''s configuration string, use the arrow keys (or H, J, K and L keys, if your arrow keys aren''''t correctly mapped) to highlight either Adapter Line box, and press the space bar. You will see the following display:


|                     * DigiBoard Port Authority *                            |
|                                                                             |
|  Config String........ = 004a104a104a104a104a004a104a104aff                 |
|                                                                             |
|  Line 1 Configuration:                                                      |
|   Adapt  to Node 1 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 1 to Node 2 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 2 to Node 3 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 3 to Node 4 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|                                                                             |
|   Line 2 Configuration                                                      |
|   Adapt  to Node 1 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|   Node 1 to Node 2 Speed = 10M, 8 wire internal clock, Direct Connection    |
|                                                                             |
|                      Press Any Key to Continue                              |

The configuration string shown is what the FEP/OS has stored in memory during system configuration. The FEP/OS uses this string to determine line speeds and connection types between the host adapter and concentrators, and between interconnected concentrators. This is useful for diagnosing configuration problems.


Monitoring Channel Activity

The DigiBoard Port Authority program allows the user to view the current activity of any C/X, EPC/X or Xem port in the system. To view a channel''''s activity, use the arrow keys (or H, J, K and L keys, if your arrow keys aren''''t correctly mapped) to highlight the desired concentrator or PORTS module (represented by [AC], [16em], [8em] or [8emp]), and press the space bar. The software will display a graphic simulation of the concentrator''''s front panel, as shown below:


|                     * DigiBoard Port Authority *                            |
|  Adapter Config:                                                            |
|      Line 1 - 4                                      Sync Packets TxD:      |
|      Line 2 - 2                                      Sync Packets RxD: -    |
|                   Line 2, Concentrator 1, Channel 1                         |
|           -----------------------------------------------------             |
|           | TxD  RxD  RTS  CTS  DSR  DTR  RI  OFC  IFC   (AC) |             |
|           |  -    x    []   []   []   []   -   -    -         |             |
|           -----------------------------------------------------             |
|                    Signal Active = []  Inactive = -                         |
|                                                                             |
|     Input Modes :BRKINT:IGNPAR:IXON:IXOFF:                                  |
|    Output Modes :TAB1:TAB2:TAB3                                             |
|   Control Modes :115.2 Baud:No Stop Bits:No Parity:Fast Baud:               |
|                                                                             |
|      Space Bar = (Accept)  Arrow Keys = (Change) ''''-'''' Key = (Return)   |
|                            ''''Q'''' Key = Quit                             |

This screen is dynamically updated at half second intervals, and shows the current status of the channel selected.

Activity on the synchronous channel is indicated by "helicopters" after the terms "Sync Packets TxD:" and "Sync Packets RxD:", in the upper lefthand corner of the screen (helicopters are rotating lines, made by successively displaying the "/", "-", "" and "|" characters). The box in the center of the screen shows the state of the RS-232 signals TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DSR, DCD, DTR and RI, plus input and output flow control states (IFC and OFC, respectively). An inactive signal is indicated by a dash (-) under its name. An active signal is indicated by a block under its name. If data is currently being transmitted or received, a blinking "X" will appear under the signal name (TxD or RxD, respectively). Finally, the status of the concentrator appears at the right -hand end of the box (AC, 16em, 8em or 8emp) if the connection to the host adapter is good, or DN if the communication to the host adapter is down).

The display for the parallel port of a PORTS/8emp module will appear as shown:

|                     * DigiBoard Port Authority *                            |
|  Adapter Config:                                                            |
|      Number of EBI Modules = 1                                              |
|                           EBI 1, Channel 9                                  |
|           -----------------------------------------------------             |
|           | TxD  RxD      IP1    IP2  OP  IP3  OFC  IFC  8emp |             |
|           |  -    x        []     []   -   []   -    -        |             |
|           -----------------------------------------------------             |
|                    Signal Active = []  Inactive = -                         |
|                                                                             |
|     Input Modes :                                                           |
|    Output Modes :XCASE:ONLCR:ONLRET                                         |
|   Control Modes :1 Stop Bits:No Parity:Fast Baud:                           |
|                                                                             |
|      Space Bar = (Accept)  Arrow Keys = (Change) ''''-'''' Key = (Return)   |
|                            ''''Q'''' Key = Quit                             |

IP1, IP2 and IP3 reflect the state of Input Ports 1-3 (usually ERROR, SELECT and FAULT, respectively); OP reflects the state of Output Port 2 (usually SELECTIN); OFC or IFC reflect BUSY status (depending on whether the port is in output or input mode, respectively). An inactive signal is indicated by a dash (-) under its name. An active signal is indicated by a block under its name. If data is currently being transmitted or received, a blinking "X" will appear under the signal name (TxD or RxD, respectively).


Input, Output and Control Modes

Beneath the line status box are the input, output and control modes in effect for that channel. These are UNIX style flags, and have the following meanings:
  • Input Modes (* Not a standard UNIX flag )
  • IGNBRK Ignore Break
  • BRKINT Interrupt on Break
  • IGNPAR Ignore parity errors
  • PARMRK Mark parity errors
  • INPCK Input parity check
  • ISTRIP Strip input characters
  • ITOSS* Toss IXANY characters
  • IXON Enable start/stop output
  • IXANY Restart output on any character
  • IXOFF Enable start/stop input
  • IXONA* Enable start/stop output Auxiliary
  • Output Modes (* Not a standard UNIX flag )
  • XCASE* Canonical upper/lower display
  • OLCUC Map lower case to upper
  • ONCLR Map NL to CR/NL
  • OCRNL Map CR to NL
  • ONOCR No CR output at column 0
  • ONLRET NL performs CR function
  • OFILL Use fill characters for delay
  • OFDEL Fill character is DEL; otherwise NUL
  • NLDLY NL delay is selected
  • CR1 Carriage Return delay type 1
  • CR2 Carriage Return delay type 2
  • CR3 Carriage Return delay type 3
  • TAB1 Tab delay type 1
  • TAB2 Tab delay type 2
  • TAB3 Tab delay type 3
  • BS1 Backspace delay
  • VT1 Vertical tab delay
  • FF1 Form feed delay
  • Control Modes
  • Baud Rate 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400. If Fast Baud is set (see below), baud rates of 50, 75 and 110 are translated to 57600, 75600 and 115200, respectively. For parallel ports, the baud rate defines the pulse width of the data strobe.
  • Char Bits 5, 6, 7, 8 or None.
  • Stop Bits 2, 1 or None.
  • Parity Enabled, Odd or None.
  • Fast Baud* Use fast baud rates *Not a standard UNIX flag

Loop Back Test 
A loop back diagnostic test can be run against any selected channel by press- ing the T (or t) key from the channel monitoring screen. A loop back plug (DigiBoard part number 60000401 for RJ-45, or 60000442 for DB-25) must be installed in the channel to be tested.

The loop back test consists of five phases:
Phase 1 Verify that the channel is not currently in use. All signals must be low. If the port is busy, a message similar to the following will appear:

        **** Port is Busy :DTR:CD:DSR:RTS

          Probable cause of failure:

        - Port is open by some process (e.g. getty).

        - Incorrect loop back connector or cable.
Phase 2 128 bytes of test data (the letter A is used) are put into the transmit buffer. If the write operation fails, a message similar to the following will appear:
        **** Loop Back Test Failure #1
After the write operation is complete, the FEP/OS is notified that data is available for transmission. At this time, the 128 bytes of data is transmitted. If the transmission fails, the following message will appear:
        **** Loop Back Test Failure #2

          Probable cause of failure:

        - Hardware failure.

        - FEP/OS or driver failure.
Phase 3 At this point, the FEP/OS should have received 128 bytes of data. If not, the following message will appear:
        **** Loop Back Test Failure #3

        **** Data Not Transferred to RX.

          Probable cause of failure:

        - Hardware failure.

        - Loop back connector not installed, or incorrectly wired.

        - FEP/OS or driver failure.
Phase 4 128 bytes of data are read from the receive buffer. If the read opera- tion fails, the following message will appear:
        **** Loop Back Test Failure #4

          Probable cause of failure:

        - Hardware failure.

        - FEP/OS or driver failure.
Phase 5 The data that was transmitted is compared with the data that has been read from the receive buffer. If the comparison fails, the following message will appear:
        **** Loop Back Test Failure #5

          Probable cause of failure:

        - Hardware failure.

        - FEP/OS or driver failure.
If all test phases pass, the following message appears: Loop Back Test Passed. After test completion, the input and output data can be viewed. Press the I key to see the last 128 bytes of data that were put into the receive (input) buffer. Press the O key to see the last 128 bytes of data that were put into the transmit (output) buffer. The display shows the hexadecimal value of each character above the character itself. If the character is a non printing char- acter, "|" is displayed in its place. NOTE: For security reasons, the receive buffer contents will only be displayed if the loop back test passes. Press the Q key to return to the channel monitoring screen.


Loop Back Plug Specification

The loopback plug for RJ-45 versions consists of a single 10-pin RJ-45 plug wired as follows:
Pin 3 connected to pins 1 and 8 (RTS to RI and CTS);

Pin 5 connected to pin 6 (TxD to RxD);

Pin 9 connected to pins 2 and 10 (DTR to DSR and DCD).

For DB-25 versions, the loopback plug consists of a female DB-25 connector wired as follows:
Pin 4 connected to pins 22 and 5 (RTS to RI and CTS);

Pin 2 connected to pin 3 (TxD to RxD);

Pin 20 connected to pins 6 and 8 (DTR to DSR and DCD).

Host Status (C/X and EPC/X Systems Only)

> The DPA program provides several status and error counters to aid you in monitoring activity between the host adapter and concentrators, and diagnosing possible communication problems. Each status counter is described on the following pages. Several of the counters increment steadily under normal conditions. An incrementing counter does not necessarily indicate a problem. For example, if a concentrator is turned off, several counters will increment. When the concentrator is turned back on, those counters will stop incrementing.

If any counters that are usually idle begin to increment steadily, perform the recommended tests described for that counter. Call DigiBoard Technical Support if the counters continue to increment steadily after performing the recommended tests.

From the adapter configuration screen, press "s". You will see the following:

|                              HOST STATUS                                    |
|  Activity Counters:                                                         |
|     24382         0         0         0         0    300477                 |
|                                                                             |
|  Sync Counters:                                                             |
|          0           0        0        0         0         0                |
|                                                                             |
|  Saturation Counters:                                                       |
|  ERR_TBUF  ERR_FIFO  ERR_ORUN  ERR_TBUSY  ERR_RITEM                         |
|         0         0         0          0          0                         |
|                                                                             |
|  FEP/OS Counters:                                                           |
|         0         0          0          0        0        0         0       |
|                                                                             |
|  Hardware Counters:                                                         |
|  ERR_ABREC  ERR_URUN  ERR_CONC  ERR_CHECK                                   |
|          0         0         0          0                                   |

The counters are reset during system initialization (boot-up).


Activity Counters

    The number of times the host adapter processed a request from a concentrator, and one packet was received. Under idle conditions, RECEIVE1 will increment, representing the "heartbeat" of the concentrators communicating with the host.
  • RECEIVE2 through RECEIVE4
    The number of times the host adapter processed a request from a concentrator, and two, three or four packets were received.
    The host adapter is 100% busy if RECEIVE5 is incrementing. Users may experience slower response time. Monitor EC (Error Count) on the concentrator front panel. The DigiBoard product in use is being maximized. Consider adding another host adapter, or advance to the EPC/X system if you are currently using the standard C/X product.
    The number of data packets transmitted from the host. Under idle conditions, the TRANSMIT counter will increment. This is the heartbeat of the host checking the status of communications to the concentrators. Under normal operating conditions, the TRANSMIT counter will increment.

Sync Counters

    The host adapter received an incomplete packet. Check the physical hardware configuration to ensure a stable environment. Check for other incrementing counters.
    The host adapter received a bad data packet, and discarded it. Check for concentrator "down" [DN] status (see the previous screen). Check the physical hardware configuration. If the ERR_ABSTAT counter is constantly incrementing, run the concentrator diagnostics (see the concentrator Installation Guide). Call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received an incomplete data packet. Check the physical hard- ware configuration. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a packet with a CRC error. Run the concentrator sync line diagnostic tests (see the concentrator Installation Guide). If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a packet with an error found in the data. This will cause other counters to increment. Check sync line connections. Run the concen- trator sync line diagnostic tests (see the concentrator Installation Guide). If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a negative acknowledgement from the concentrator for one of its messages. Check sync line connections. Run C/X host adapter diag- nostics. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.

Saturation Counters

    The transmit buffers on the host adapter are full. The data is not getting out to the ports fast enough. Also monitor RECEIVE1 through RECEIVE5 and TRANSMIT counters.
    The host adapter is receiving more data than it can handle. Also monitor RECEIVE5.
    The host adapter is receiving too much data; the host is 100% busy. The DigiBoard product in use is being maximized. Consider adding another host adapter, or advance to the EPC/X system if you are currently using the standard C/X product.
    The number of times the host adapter tried to transmit data when the transmitter was busy. Also monitor RECEIVE counters.
    The receive buffer on the host adapter is full; the host adapter is 100% busy. Also monitor the ERR_ORUN counter.

FEP Counters

  • ERR_REC0
    The number of times the host adapter received a request from a concentrator, but no packets were received. If the environment is stable and no other counters are incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a message that contains an invalid node number. This is not a physical node number error, but a software node number error. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a message with a bad message type. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a message with a bad length. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a message with an out-of-sequence message ID. This is not a physical node number error, but a software node number error. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter sync line transmit sequence number is out of sequence. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.
    The host adapter received a sync line ping message when not in ping mode. If this counter is constantly incrementing, call DigiBoard Technical Support.

Hardware Counters

    The host adapter aborted receiving a packet. Run C/X host adapter diagnostics. If a hardware problem is detected, try a different host adapter.
    The host adapter transmitted an incomplete packet. Run C/X host adapter diag- nostics. If a hardware problem is detected, try a different host adapter.
    A message sent to the concentrators was sent back to the host adapter. A concentrator is down. Back up one screen in DPA to check for "DN" status on a concentrator. Check the power on the concentrator and reset the concentrator. If the counter is still incrementing, try a different concentrator.
    The host adapter received an incomplete status packet. Run concentrator diagnostics. If a hardware problem is detected, try a different concentrator.
Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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