Description of the hardware diagnostic options on the LTS via the LCD display

LCD Diagnostic (Auto, Individual) menu runs the following 7 tests.
1.    EEPROM
-    Write some data to EEPROM and read back to check

2.    UART (Internal & External Loop)
-    Send some data to all serial ports and check data returned
-    External Loop Test requires a loopback connector on each serial port.

3.    Ethernet
-    Ping to Gateway
-    Ethernet cable connection on testing Ethernet port is required

4.    USB
-    Creating files and removing it on the folder where USB device is mounted.
-    This test requires USB memory connected on USB port
But configuration of USB memory is not required.
If USB memory is not mounted, LTS mounts it automatically and unmounts after test.

5.    SD
-    Creating files and removing it on the folder where SD device is mounted.
-    This test requires SD memory connected on SD slot
But configuration of SD memory is not required.
If SD memory is not mounted, LTS mounts it automatically and unmounts after test.

6.    Internal Modem
-    Send AT command and check the response

7.    Xbee
-    Send AT command and check the response

There is no difference in test set-up and method between Auto test and Individual test.
Auto test is just a one-shot running of all tests above.

Last updated: Jan 03, 2024

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