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Connect Sensor/WVA/Z45 Knowledge Base Articles

HOW TO: Query the Connection History of a Connected device from Digi Remote Manager
Introduction:One very useful aspect of Device Management on the Digi Device Remote Manager is the ability to view the Connection History of a device.  This of course refers to the connection h...
Aug 12, 2024
Obtaining cached Connect Sensor SIM ICCID numbers
Obtaining cached Connect Sensor SIM ICCID numbersThis example obtains the ICCID as seen cached within “Mobile Information” on the Settings page of a device within Digi Remote Manager. A...
Jun 13, 2024
3G sunset Digi firmware required updates
OverviewFor reference, this article relates to the main article titled 3G Network Sunset in 2022 impact on 4G devices.  This article provides the device types and part numbers of Digi dev...
Mar 30, 2022
3G Network Sunset in 2022 impact on 4G devices
Carriers have announced that they will be shutting down their 3G network in 2022.  The sunset of the 3G networks may impact some 4G LTE devices.  This situation could cause certain 4G LTE...
Mar 15, 2021
Digi 3rd Party Chinese Radios
Question: Has Digi in the past, or currently, used any components purchased from the following companies? •    Huawei •    ZTE Corp •   &n...
Oct 21, 2019
Unique Default Passwords for Digi Products (SB-327)
BackgroundAs of January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act SB-327 requires all cellular and internet connected devices manufactured after that date to have unique default passwo...
Oct 16, 2019
Verizon Upgrade for Telit Modems
Verizon notified cellular product manufacturers of a software defect present in Intel chipsets utilized by several cellular modem vendors. Digi uses some of these third party cellular modems in som...
Oct 09, 2019
Unique Default Password Product Information
Below is the list of Digi products that require a unique password to log in to the device as well as to register the device on Digi Remote Manager. List of products where a unique password is requ...
Jul 22, 2019
SACK Vulnerability Patch Status
SACK Vulnerability Patch Status for affected Digi products  Product Family/ProductVersion fix is included inEstimated Release DateCellularDigi IX1419.8Aug, 2019Digi EX1519.8Aug, 2019Digi LR54...
Jul 16, 2019
How to find out the date code and manufacturing location information of Digi Products.
Depending on the location the units are built effects the orientation, linked below is the date code from USA or Thailand. The date code is 4 digits, 2 digit year and 2 digit week (YYWW) so in thes...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi makes many serial devices, some of which are DTE (PortServer TS, EtherLite, Connect/ConnectPort, Digi One, USB-to-serial), and others which are DCE (TransPort, PKG RF modems, XBIB interface bo...
Jul 06, 2017
What does "Galvanically isolated from Earth ground" mean?
"Galvanically isolated" is a term used to describe the relation between two different points in a circuit. It means that the ASYNC Signal Ground (SG) is isolated from earth ground, ...
Jul 06, 2017
General Certification Comments on Digi products
Check the main reference manual for the given Digi product.  Generally they have a section marked 'Certification'.  If the certification in question is not seen there it is most l...
Jul 06, 2017
Error is seen adding a device to Digi Remote Manager: "Failed to add one or more de
Problem:  If you're trying to add a device to a Remote Manager server and it comes back with the message “Failed to add one or more devices:” (see below), it may mean that your...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi International Security Notice Vulnerability "GHOST"
 Digi International Security NoticeOriginally issued March 6th, 2015, updated December 18, 2015  CVE-2015-0235OverviewA critical security vulnerability, reported as CVE-2015-0235, nickna...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Find Country of Origin (CoO) for Digi-manufactured products
It is Digi's goal to facilitate and expedite worldwide trade in the most effective and efficient manner, by proactively observing all international rules and regulations regarding export. To a...
Jul 06, 2017
Error codes seen with data push from device to Device Cloud? idigid protocol error code list
Introduction:Digi RF Gateways and devices which use the edp protocol to "push" data to Remote Manager can sometimes encounter errors pushing that data, if Remote Manager isn't availab...
Jul 06, 2017