AnywhereUSB Plus Troubleshooting Tip: Configuring Virtual Machine's USB Virtual Controller for explicit USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 support


Corruption of data can occur when a mismatch exists between the type of USB Controller an operating system running in a Virtual Machine supports, doesn't match the type of USB support which the USB device being plugged into the AnywhereUSB® Plus supports.


VMWare, VM VirtualBox, and other virtual machine softwares may support the ability to configure the type of USB Controller which the operating system running within the virtual machine supports.  The USB Controller options may include the ability to configure explicit USB 1.1 (OHCI), USB 2.0 (EHCI), or USB 3.0 (xHCI) support, and are useful for maintaining backward compatibility with legacy USB devices, drivers, and/or operating systems which weren't designed for or don't support USB 3.0.


A 3rd party product that creates 4 virtual comm ports through a single USB port is plugged into one of the USB 1.1 - 3.1 compatible ports of the AnywhereUSB 2 Plus running in a Windows 10 instance on a Virtual Machine.  Errors stating "unable to open comm port" begin to appear anytime more than 2 of the virtual comm ports are in use simultaneously - not the expected or desired behavior.

The Virtual Machine's configuration settings (see the support website of the specific Virtual Machine in use for availability and/or configuration information) contain an option to select explicit USB V2.0 or USB v3.0 support for the Virtual Machine's USB Controller.  The USB Controller is configured as a USB 2.0-only controller, and the issues with the virtual comm port device disappear.  The incompatibility issue has been resolved!
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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