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Acceleport RAS modems do not answer incoming calls from a v.92 modem


Modems on the Acceleport RAS card do not answer incoming calls from a v.92 modem.


Some v.92 modems have trouble completing handshaking with a v.90 modem such as the modems on the Acceleport RAS adapter.


A configuration change is needed with the v.92 modem. Please select the properties of the v.92 modem and insert one of two initialization strings in the advanced option:

+ms=11 for v.34 connections or

+ms=12 for v.90 connections

These extra initialization strings will allow the v.92 modem to function and communicate with the v.90 modems on the Acceleport RAS card. If the settings listed above are not correct settings for the v.92 modem you have, then you will need to contact the manufacturer of the modem to determine the correct AT command string for v.34 or v.90 connections.

Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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