Digi intelliFlow

Monitor and manage device usage

With intelliFlow users can track and manage a fleet of connected devices. intelliFlow monitors data usage by host, server, service over time and displays the data in dynamic charts for more-informed network management.

Digi intelliFlow is a tool that provides a graphical way of visualizing your network’s application data, focusing on the top 10 users or top 10 destinations.

This easy-to-understand representation of the activity on a network allows organizations to either update settings on your Digi device or tailor your network to your site's needs. intelliFlow gives you recent data and a historical reference to keep your networks running smoothly. intelliFlow combined with Digi Remote Manager provides a powerful tool for combating excessive data usage. Once enabled, the intelliFlow insights can be viewed on the Reports page in Digi Remote Manager, under the intelliFlow tab.

Screenshot of Intelliflow


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