Automatically reject unknown clients

You can choose to have the Hub automatically reject any client ID that is not on the Hub's registered client list. This is the default.

When you open the AnywhereUSB Manager, if the Manager's client ID is not included in the Hub's registered client list, a red X displays next to the Hub name. The client ID is not able to connect to the Hub.

Note A red X may display in other situations as well. See Red X icon next to a Hub in the AnywhereUSB Manager.

  1. Open the web UI.

  2. Select System > AnywhereUSB Configuration. The AnywhereUSB Configuration page appears.
  3. Scroll down to the Client Settings section. Expand the section if it is not already expanded.
  4. Scroll down to the Settings for Unknown Clients section.
  5. De-select the Automatically Register Unknown Clients option so the Hub rejects any client ID that is not on the Hub's registered client list. In this case, a red X displays next to the name of the Hub in the AnywhereUSB Manager.
  6.  Click Apply to save the changes.