Uninstall the AnywhereUSB Manager using Windows 2019 Server Core edition

You can uninstall the AnywhereUSB Manager from the Windows 2019 Server Core.


To uninstall the AnywhereUSB Manager:

  1. Get the identifying number for the AnywhereUSB Manager.

    1. Navigate to Powershell.

    2. Run the following command to get a list of the installed programs and the associated IdentifyingNumber for each program:

      Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product

    3. From the list, note the IdentifyingNumber for the AnywhereUSB Manager.

  2. Run the uninstall command. You can run the command from Powershell or from a command line.

    MsiExec.exe /I"{IdentifyingNumber}"

    Where IdentifyingNumber is the IdentifyingNumber for the AnywhereUSB Manager.

    Example: MsiExec.exe /I"{2D71XX4E-4CD3-4781-80C6-76CC0210X0X5}"

    Note Be sure to include the double-quotes before and after the bracketed command. The identifying number is an example so do not copy and paste the command.

  3. Press Enter to launch the AnywhereUSB Manager window. The Welcome screen displays.

  4. Follow the standard Windows uninstall process to complete the removal of the AnywhereUSB Manager. For instructions, see Uninstall the AnywhereUSB Manager from a Windows OS and begin at Step 3.