Start the AnywhereUSB Manager: Linux

After installation is complete, you can run the stand-alone Manager. Within the Manager you can monitor, configure, control the connected AnywhereUSB Hubs, connected groups and the USB devices in each.

Linux considerations


The simplest way to start the AnywhereUSB Manager is to run the stand-alone Manager .

Run this command to launch the stand-alone Manager:

$ awusbmanager



Note The headless package is intended for advanced Linux users.

The standard awusbmanager package and the headless package provide a headless version of the AnywhereUSB Manager. The awusbmanager-headless does not provide a window for AnywhereUSB management, and is appropriate for server VMs without a display.

Run this command to launch the headless manager:

$ awusbmanager-headless


Command line

AnywhereUSB provides a cmdline to control and monitor the Hub. The stand-alone Manager or the headless Manager needs to be running to use the cmdline.

Either Manager binary can be used to send commands to the running Manager. For example:

$ awusbmanager LIST
$ awusbmanager-headless LIST


Script: Initial configuration

The cmdline also enables scripting of AnywhereUSB for configuration and monitoring after the installation is complete.

Example: Configuration

#!/bin/bash -e
# Example script to configure Digi awusbmanager-headless
# Configure headless awusbmanager (once after install)
awusbmanager-headless KNOWN HUB ADD,AW24-010000
awusbmanager-headless AUTOCONNECT GROUP,AW24-010000.1
awusbmanager-headless AUTOCONNECT GROUP,AW24-010000.2
awusbmanager-headless AUTOCONNECT GROUP,AW24-010000.3
awusbmanager-headless AUTOFIND,OFF
awusbmanager-headless SET KEEPALIVES,3,120

Example: Monitoring

#!/bin/bash -e
# Check status of AnywhereUSB Manager devices
awusbmanager-headless LIST FULL