power cycle

This command enables you to power cycle a selected USB device.

The USB device can be connected directly to the AnywhereUSB Hub or to a downstream USB hub. Cycling the power has the same effect as removing the USB device from the Hub and then reconnecting it. When you use this feature, the power supplied by the port to the USB device is turned off for 1 second and then turned on. The USB device you choose to power cycle must be assigned to a group that you are allowed to access.

If an externally powered USB device (one that is not powered by the Hub) is connected to the Hub, the power cycle feature may have no effect on the USB device.

Note You can also cycle the power to a selected USB device from the AnywhereUSB Manager. See Cycle the power to a USB device connected to the Hub from the AnywhereUSB Manager.

Note Additional power cycle methods are available. See Power cycle feature.


>awusbmanager power cycle,<device address>


device address: The address of the device that you want power cycle.


Run the list command to get the device address. In this example, the device address is AW08-000016.1905.

awusbmanager.exe POWER CYCLE,AW08-000016.1905