Data Streams

Within the data streams page, you can view a list of all your data streams as well as create, edit, and delete them. You can select a data stream from your list and view a chart of that data stream’s data points based on several options and using several pre-defined time periods, or simply view the raw data associated with a data stream.

What is a data stream?

Time-series data involves two concepts:

Remote Manager data streams

Remote Manager data streams can store and access time-series data. Virtually any type of data can be stored, and you can create real-time charts to visualize and monitor the data streams. Data streams are fully searchable and the data can also be rolled up into time interval summaries.

Data streams are primarily intended for numeric data and typically hold data points for a specific attribute on a device, such as the temperature from a specific thermostat. However, data streams can be used for virtually any type of data. Smart Energy attribute data and DIA channel data can be configured to automatically store their data via the time series data feature. Additionally, any data previously accessible via the DIA or XBee APIs is automatically replicated and available for historical query via the v1/streams API. See the

Your data is completely protected; it is stored and replicated in multiple secure, commercial-grade storage systems. If at any time you choose to cancel your data streams subscription, you will need to first download your data.

# Component Description
1 Refresh Click to refresh the data stream list.
  • Click to display each data stream in list view.

  • Click to group data streams by Device ID.

3 Data stream filter
  • Click    to toggle between basic (keyword) search and advanced filtering.

    • Basic search: Type a word to search for.

    • Advanced filtering: click in the filter bar to select a filtering category:

  • Click    to filter the display.

  • Click to clear the filter criteria.

4 Chart button See Display a data stream in chart or tabular format.
5 Create Stream button

See Create a data stream.

6 Actions menu
  • Stream Details: Display further information about the selected data stream.

  • Copy Properties (JSON): Copy the selected data stream's properties in JSON format.

  • Delete: Delete the selected datastream.

  • Create Alert: Create a DataPoint Condition or Missing DataPoint. If a data stream is selected, the alert's resource scope will be auto-filled with the data stream's Stream ID.

7 Customize display menu

Click to customize the display.

  • Click Select Columns to open a list of columns.

    • Click to select the columns that will be displayed in the device list.

    • Click and select whether to send the column to the top or bottom of the list.

    • Click to reorder the listing by dragging and dropping a column.

    • Click Use Defaults to return to the default display.

    • Click Close when finished.

  • Click Export as CSV to export a list of the devices in CSV format.

  • Click Table Preferences to set your table view preferences:

    • Click Table Spacing to select Compact, Comfy, or Roomy spacing.

    • Click Device ID to determine how to display the Device ID, either Friendly (shorter) or Full. (This table preference is not applicable for the Templates table.)

8 Datastream list

This chapter contains the following topics: