Register for a new vendor ID

A vendor ID is a unique 32-bit code identifying the manufacturer of a device. By default, Digi Embedded Yocto devices are identified with the generic vendor ID 0xFE080003, so they work out of the box. You can however obtain a custom vendor ID in order to define yourself as a manufacturer and identify your own devices.

To obtain a vendor ID for your Remote Manager account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Remote Manager account ( logged in, select the Admin tab from the navigation menu.
  2. In the Vendor Information section of the page, click Register for new vendor id. The button you just clicked will be replaced by your assigned vendor ID number (0xXXXXXXXX).

Once you have your custom vendor ID, you can configure it in your devices by editing the Cloud Connector configuration file /etc/cc.conf:

# Vendor ID: Identifier of the Remote Manager user account. This value is used to
# determine the account to which a device belongs to.
# It can be obtained under 'Admin > Account Settings > My Account >
# Vendor Information' within your Remote Manager account.
# If this setting is not properly configured or is empty, an error is thrown
# while connecting.
# The format of this setting is: '0xXXXXXXXX'.
vendor_id = 0xFE080003

CAUTION! When you modify the vendor ID, Remote Manager page will stop correctly displaying the remote settings and groups for your device. You must upload the configuration descriptor file to your Remote Manager account using the new configured vendor ID. See Upload the configuration descriptor to the server.