Upload the configuration descriptor to the server

To upload the descriptor file to the Remote Manager server, you must use a special tool along with the descriptor file itself. Both components are part of the cc_dey repository:

Follow these steps to upload the descriptor file to your Remote Manager account:

  1. Clone the cc_dey repository by issuing this command:
git clone --recursive http://github.com/digi-embedded/cc_dey.git tags/dey-2.0-r5
  1. Compile the ConfigGenerator tool by issuing this command:
ant -f <cc_dey_folder>/library/src/cc_api/source/cc_ansic/tools/config/build.xml

The resulting artifact is located here: <cc_dey_folder>/library/src/cc_api/source/cc_ansic/tools/config/dist/ConfigGenerator.jar.

  1. Upload the descriptor by issuing this command:
java -jar <cc_dey_folder>/library/src/cc_api/source/cc_ansic/tools/config/dist/ConfigGenerator.jar -vendor=<VENDOR_ID> <username>:<password> "<DEVICE_TYPE>" <FW_VERSION> <cc_dey_folder>/library/src/config.rci

In this command:

  • <VENDOR_ID> is your device's configured vendor ID.
  • <username> is your Remote Manager account user name.
  • <password> is your Remote Manager account password.
  • <DEVICE_TYPE> is your device's configured device type.
  • <FW_VERSION> is your device's configured firmware version in the form of X.X.X.X (e.g.

When you connect your device to the Remote Manager server again, the remote configuration options and groups are properly displayed in the page when using the new vendor ID, device type, and firmware version settings.