Power Management Configuration page descriptions

The following table describes each of the options in the Power Management Configuration page.

For more information about configuring power management settings, see Configure power management settings.

Section Option Description
Current Settings Enable Power Management


Enables the Power Management feature and displays all Power Management settings.
Sleep Settings Enable Sleep on No Engine Activity


Enables or disables the WVA going into sleep mode when no engine activity (RPM=0) is detected. The default is disabled (off).

Sleep Delay Timeout: n seconds before sleeping


The number of seconds the WVA should wait before going to sleep when there is no engine activity detected. The default is 120 seconds.

Wake on Movement Settings Enable Wake on Movement Enables or disables the WVA waking upon detection of vibration, typically a sharp vibration to the vehicle frame. The default is disabled (off).
Wake on Alternator Settings Enable Wake on Alternator Power

Enables or disables the WVA waking from sleep mode upon detection of the alternator running on alternator power rather than the vehicle battery. The default is disabled (off).

Wake on Button Settings Enable Wake on Button Press

Enables or disables waking from sleep mode by a button press. The default is disabled (off).

Note The button press should be momentary and not a press-and-hold, which could cause the unit to reset to factory defaults.

Periodic Wake Settings Enable Periodic Wake

Enables or disables periodic or timed wake from sleep mode for the device. The default is disabled (off).


Wake Timer

The time, in minutes, for the sleeping WVA to wait before waking. The time can range from 1 to 1440 minutes (24 hours). The default, if enabled, is 5 minutes.