Configure Ethernet Settings

To configure Ethernet settings, choose one of the following options:

From Remote Manager

  1. Click the Device Management tab.
  2. From the device list, double-click the device to display the device properties menu.
  3. Configure the Ethernet settings.

    For a Cellular module:

    1. Click the Ethernet Network properties. The Ethernet Network page appears.
    2. Complete the fields and click Save to save your changes.

    For a Wi-Fi module:

    1. Click the Ethernet (eth)0 properties. The Ethernet (etho) page appears.
    2. Complete the fields and click Save to save your changes.

From the XBee Gateway web interface

  1. Access and log into the web interface.
  2. Select Configuration > Ethernet Network to access the Ethernet IP network settings.
  3. Complete the fields and click Apply to save your changes.