Digi XBee® Intelligent Edge Controller provides a development-ready upgrade to existing industrial sensors with the latest innovation in wireless and cloud technologies. Combine Digi X-ON IoT platform with Digi XBee Intelligent Edge Controller to monitor sensor or remote-control assets over LoRaWAN™. Industrial devices can be monitored with sub-second accuracy using Modbus RTU or digital or analog I/O. Alarms and data are wirelessly delivered to the Digi X-ON™ IoT platform.
Provision and verify secure wireless connectivity with the Digi X-ON mobile app. Add custom workflows to streamline the installation process in the field. Deploy pre-configured device templates from the cloud with support for over-the-air configuration updates.
Leverage the complete, deployment-ready device-to-cloud XBee Intelligent Edge Controller IoT solution for sensor monitoring and real-time data insights. Ideal for predictive maintenance, the remotely configurable edge controller lowers network and operational costs with rapid deployment and secure, long-range connectivity. Local edge monitoring of up to 80 different parameters eliminates site visits with cloud management. Retrofit existing Modbus or analog industrial sensors in the field, configure Modbus device settings remotely, and reduce network traffic by over 99%.
Digi XBee Intelligent Edge Controller is a turnkey solution for intelligent agent edge processing, rapid polling, and long-range, low-power wireless connectivity with mobile provisioning and cloud control.