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HOW TO: Configure the Smart Energy reporting intervals for Digi ERT Ethernet Smart Energy Gateways

HOW TO: Configure the Smart Energy reporting intervals for Digi ERT Ethernet Smart Energy Gateways


These values can be changed using the demonstration application by navigating to:  Select the applicable Device Cloud entry from the Server drop down.  Login using your Digi Device Cloud username and password credentials.

Once logged in, select the desired gateway ID in the Gateway drop down box near the top of the screen.  Next, select Debug Console.  From the menus to the left, select RPC_ZCL_Interface followed by start_receiving_reports.

Start Reporting:

Modify the fields in bold in the following example for your specific gateway:

<start_receiving_reports synchronous="true">
  <destination_address type="MAC">00:00:00:00:9D:11:22:33</destination_address>
  <record_list type="list">
    <item type="AttributeReportingConfigurationRecord">

The above example shows reports in 2 minute intervals when the attribute value has changed, if the attribute value has not changed report the value in 8 minutes.  We recommend the timeout value is double the max_interval.

Stop Reporting:

Modify the fields in bold in the following example for your specific gateway:

<stop_receiving_reports synchronous="true">
  <destination_address type="MAC">00:00:00:00:9D:11:22:33</destination_address>
  <record_list type="list">
    <item type="StopReportingRecord">

View Reporting:

Under the RPC_ZCL_Interface menu on the left, select get_local_reporting_configurations, click Execute.

Field definitions:
  • destination_address - 64-bit extended address of the device to which the ZCL command will be sent. ERT gateways will have a prefix of: 00:00:00:00:9D:.  The remaining digits will be the last 6 digits of the device MAC address (colon separated).
  • destination_endpoint_id - ERT endpoint this attribute resides on
  • cluster_id - Associated Smart Energy cluster
  • server_or_client - Kind of associated Smart Energy cluster (0=server or 1=client)
  • attribute_id - Smart Energy attribute id
  • min_interval - Minimum interval, in seconds, between issuing reports of the attribute
  • max_interval - Maximum interval, in seconds, between issuing reports of the attribute
  • reportable_change - Minimum change to the attribute that will result in a report being issued. 
  • timeout - Maximum expected time, in seconds, between received reports for the attribute - else consider problem
  • source_endpointId -  local endpoint (optional)
  • record_list - List of configurations which will make up the payload of the ZCL command
Last updated: Oct 14, 2024

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