Go to the web interface of the device and enable the Gateway Access under ConfigurationàXBee NetworkàGateway Access as shown below:

Note: Make sure the baud rate of the XBee module is not changed from the default rate of 115200.
Download the Digi RealPort driver at the following link: http://www.digi.com/support/productdetail?pid=3037&type=drivers, select the desired operating system.

For Windows, unzip the file and select the setup32(32 bit OS)or setup64(64 bit OS). The following will display:

Select the device:

Select the COM port:

Click Finish when complete:

Open X-CTU (may be downloaded from the following link: http://www.digi.com/support/productdetail?pid=3352&type=utilities):

Select the COM port which you specified while installing RealPort, specifiy 115200 for the baud rate and click Finish:

Click configuration Working Mode:

You will see a list of parameters as shown below: