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How to update the firmware on an XBee Cellular module using Digi Remote Manager

From time to time, it does become necessary to perform a firmware upgrade on a remote device such as an IX15 for a wide range of reasons.   Generally, this would require a truck roll costing up to thousands of dollars per device.  With the use of the Digi Remote Manager service, this can be done over the devices Cellular connection anywhere in the world without the cost of a truck roll. 


How is that possible?  The Digi Remote Manager is designed to work with the IX15's firmware to provide a connection over the Cellular or Ethernet interface. This connection allows a IT manager or Systems architect the ability to make changes to the device firmware remotely. 


One of these changes is the ability to update the devices firmware.  While this is not difficult, it does require the use of data via it by either Ethernet or Cellular. So just be aware of this. 


The steps to perform the firmware upgrade via Digi Remote manager are as follows:


- Log in to your Digi Remote manager account with an account that has Admin privileges. 


-  On the top left, select the Management > Devices menu

- In the list of subscribed devices, locate the desired device and place a check in the box on the left of the device.

- On the top right, select Actions > Update firmware (it may be at the bottom of the list).

- On the Right, the update firmware menu will appear. Select the desired firmware version. The top one listed will be the latests released by Digi Engineering for the device in question. 

- Select the Update button on the top right. If the device is on line, it will perform the update and complete. 

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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