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How to convert an XBee PRO 900 HP to an XBee PRO XSC

In the following, you will find the steps needed to configure a 900 HP RF Modem to an XBee PRO XSC S3B 9600 or 19,200 RF Modem.
We Start by connecting the RF Modem to a power source and the mini USB port to a PC.

Launch XCTU
Select the plus in the upper left corner to Add a Radio module to XCTU
Select the COM port Windows assigned the USB cable
Select the default baud rate parity and stop bits of 9600, 8 data bits, No parity and 1 stop bit
Flow control can be set to either None or Hardware

Click on Finish
When the Modem is discovered, you will see it as depicted below

900 HP

From here, we can select the Update Menu
Within the update menu, we will find all of the possible modem types, function sets and versions of firmware supported by the selected hardware.

In this case, we want to select the modem type of XBP9B-XC with a function set of XBee PRO XSC 9600 and the newest firmware version available.

Once that has been done, select Update.
There will be a few progress bars indicating what step in the process you are in. 

Once the update has been completed, the following message will appear


Click on the OK and the change has been completed verifiable by the screen below

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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