IoT Solutions: Software, Security, and Device Management

By 2030, IoT solutions could enable between $5.5 trillion and $12.6 trillion in value globally1. These integrated hardware, software, wireless connectivity and management systems support a wide range of goals, from monitoring and control of remote equipment installations to edge computing, automation of industrial and agricultural systems, data insights for predictive maintenance, mobile communications for transit and emergency vehicles, digital signage management and process improvement where manual operations are costly, time-consuming, or risky to human personnel.

Sound overwhelming? The fact is, there's an IoT solution for every requirement, and once you know what you want to achieve, it's just a matter of working with an IoT solution provider like Digi to identify the right solutions to meet your requirements, business objectives, and ROI goals. Let's start by talking about what's possible.

What Problems Can IoT Solutions Solve?

Smart Factory

Almost any industry can use Internet of Things solutions to transform business models. Whether manufacturing, mining, construction or transportation, IoT solutions are already creating incredible value. In the manufacturing industry, the evidence is clear. For example, Deloitte reports that a smart factory with Internet of Things security and solutions at its core can improve operations significantly: 

  • Improve asset efficiency by 20 percent
  • Improve product quality by 30 percent
  • Reduce costs by 30 precent
  • Improve sustainability by 10 percent

The IoT is expanding rapidly across many different verticals, as enterprises, industrial operations and municipal and government agencies seek new tools to drive innovation, improve efficiencies to reduce costs, gain critical insights throughout their operations, perform predictive maintenance before critical failures happen. In fact, IoT solutions in the human health industry alone are expected to have a $1.8 trillion economic impact by 2030. And this is just the one industry.

Sensors, LTE and 5G IoT devices, routers, gateways and private networking hardware make IoT possible. But software platforms are at the heart of any IoT solution. Software tools allow for remote monitoring, management and maintenance. They also provide protection against cybersecurity threats. Digi has an industry-leading security framework called Digi TrustFence®. It provides the most robust security in IoT. Combined with Digi Remote Manager®, it addresses the IoT security puzzle in two ways: 

  1. Actively monitors the network and blocks intrusions if it detects unauthorized access. 
  2. Enables periodic firmware updates across the whole network. Any company can quickly scale security updates across all devices at once. 

Why Use IoT Solutions?

George Westerman, co-author of Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation, makes a great case for IoT business solutions.

“These technologies are tools to get closer to customers, empower employees and transform internal business processes.”

Think about the smart carts in some grocery stores that provide a rapid check-out experience. Or imagine a golf course providing individualized data feedback on swing mechanics. What ideas might work to transform your business processes? One thing is certain.

Demand for IoT technology solutions continues to grow as 5G, AI and cloud technologies mature. The growing focus on sustainability is also contributing to IoT technology solution growth.

Using a remote management system, Apple sends software updates to millions of iPhones. This is similar to how Digi Remote Manager enables remote firmware updates to any number of remote devices. It enables network managers to quickly roll out new features or security enhancements across an entire network at once. This wouldn’t be possible without IoT technology solutions, which means remote management of IoT systems is essential to business.

IoT Solutions for Your Business

Remote monitoring and management

What is an IoT solution? An IoT solution uses hardware and software to exchange data via wired or wireless networks — whether to automate processes, gather insights from the edge of the network, ensure equipment is running as expected, or to provide the right connectivity to the right people and systems whenever or wherever needed. IoT solution providers can provide software services, hardware connectivity devices, embedded components for wireless design, or remote management tools. Digi is a one-stop solution provider, offering all of these capabilities, as well as design and deployment services to help OEMs and end customers to achieve their goals.

Here is a great example. When New York City wanted to upgrade connectivity on thousands of traffic signals, their ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) team chose Digi cellular transportation routers. They also selected the Digi Remote Manager® platform to configure and manage all of the devices. The Intelligent Transportation Society of New York recognized the project by awarding it the Outstanding ITS Project of the Year — Traffic Management Systems.

IoT Software Solutions

Using software to monitor machines has an interesting origin. In 1999, programmers at Carnegie Mellon University Internet-connected to a drink vending machine. They wanted to check if there were cold drinks in the machine before making the trip across campus. In the early 2000’s, Kevin Ashton coined the phrase “Internet of Things”. He also devised inventory tracking through RFID tags. He envisioned the a key benefit of wireless connectivity — IoT based tagging of devices monitored and inventoried by computers. 

Fast-forward to today. Many systems in our lives now connect to the Internet through software. For example, an energy management system in an office building uses analytics to manage room temperatures. The software optimizes comfort level while also reducing energy costs. 

Software is at the heart of any IoT solution. In fact, industries such as manufacturing and utilities couldn't function without it.

Benefits of IoT Software Solutions

  • Update equipment remotely: Remotely updating IoT software solutions saves time
  • Predict failures - Uses data to predict when equipment might fail
  • Manage all parts of a system: Manage all IoT hardware and security updates from a central solution
  • Enable new business models: Digitally deliver new features using subscriptions

IoT Security Solutions

Tens of billions of IoT devices operate in the world today. Each collecting, sharing and sending data over networks automatically. IoT solutions have become central to many operations. Yet, bad actors can exploit vulnerabilities in unsecured IoT device networks. Because of that, we must create secure IoT systems.

Benefits of Secure IoT

The benefits of benefits of secure IoT are many, not the least of which is a good night's sleep, knowing your devices and network connectivity are set up with best practices to block cyberattacks. There are additional benefits as well:

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements: Regulations around privacy and security change. IoT security solutions help manage these changes seamlessly.
  • Ability to proactively address new threats: Deploy security patches to all devices on your network.
  • Multi-pronged defense that works for you  24/7: Security in IoT, done right, can create a fortress against cyberattacks. Built-in device security, combined with physical security (preventing physical access) and automated security monitoring and remediation (a feature of Digi Remote Manager) helps to ensure only authorized devices and users can access the network.

Learn more in our blog post, Who Is Responsible for IoT Security?

IoT Device Management Solutions

IoT device management enables network and IT managers to remotely access, diagnose and manage IoT devices. Organizations rely on IoT solutions to manage device networks to reimagine their operations.

Benefits of Device Management Solutions

Here are some benefits of IoT device management solutions:

  • Manage all your devices from anywhere: Access your devices from a remote location. Send firmware updates and view insights.
  • Improve safety: Install Digi IoT devices in difficult and dangerous places.
  • Instant alerts when conditions change: Receive real-time alerts when a device stops working.
  • Reduce unnecessary site visits: Replace onsite visits by remotely doing routine checks. 
  • Manage  downtime proactively: Installing devices in mission critical applications educes unplanned downtime, lost revenues and fines.


Digi’s Integrated IoT Solutions 

Digi IoT solutions

Digi’s sophisticated IoT networking solutions provide complete connectivity solutions for many industries. Examples include retail, energy, smart cities and transportation. Digi’s high-performance routers, gateways, IT solutions and embedded development platforms integrate seamlessly with infrastructure management software tools. Built-in security thwarts cyber threats of today and tomorrow.

Digi’s primary software solutions include Digi Remote Manager®, Digi TrustFence® and DAL OS. Each seamlessly integrates with our devices for a complete and secure solution.

Digi Remote Manager 

Digi Remote Manager - Device management platform

Digi Remote Manager is the command center for your networked hardware. Using cloud and edge tools, Digi Remote Manager enables teams to quickly configure and deploy devices and manages assets. This sophisticated cloud-based software is a critical component of an IoT solution, enabling businesses to monitor any number of IoT devices. It turns a disparate collection of deployed devices into an intelligent network, providing visibility and reporting that helps teams gain critical insights into operations quickly.

Digi Remote Manager Benefits

When planning an IoT rollout, it is critical to select an IoT device mangement platform that provides the full breadth of monitoring and management tasks needed. 

  • Rapidly configure, deploy and watch thousands of devices from a desktop or mobile device
  • Automate monitoring of configurations, as well as remediation of any out-of-compliance configurations, and reporting for optimal network security
  • Track devices, asset performance and IoT security with bi-directional communications
  • Automate your firmware and software updates, stay in compliance and scale your deploymen
  • Access edge device data not accessible any other way
  • Integrate device data using open APIs for insights and control with third-party application
  • Receive real-time alerts on network health and device conditions
  • Reach any serial device remotely with Digi Remote Manager's out-of-band access console 

Digi TrustFence

Digi TrustFence® is an IoT security framework for securing connected devices. By creating flexible security for IoT devices, Digi TrustFence® simplifies securing a network.

Digi TrustFence Features

Digi TrustFence designs security into IoT devices that can grow and adapt with new and evolving threats. 

  • Integrates device security, device identity, and data privacy focused on performance and scalability.
  • Provides authentication and other critical security measures to prevent unauthorized access at multiple levels, including:
    • Secure connections
    • Authenticated boot
    • Encrypted data storage
    • Access-controlled ports
    • Secure software updates


Digi Accelerated Linux (DAL OS) is Digi’s standard operating system for Enterprise, Industrial and Transportation routers, console servers and USB-connected devices

DAL OS Features

  • Faster feature development and synchronization across Digi products
  • Systematic security updates with every mainline Linux kernel release
  • Adding edge compute functionality and custom applications
  • Continuous driver updates and improvements


Meet Digi's configuration and test utility for our embedded radio modules. Digi XCTU® is a free multi-platform application designed for developers. Developers can interact with Digi RF modules through a simple-to-use graphical interface. 

XTCU Benefits

  • Simple IoT solution to set-up, configure and test RF modules
  • Free application compatible with Windows, MacOS and Linux
  • Includes a Graphical Network View for simple wireless network configuration and architecture
  • API Frame Builder allows for quickly building Digi XBee® API frames
  • Firmware Release Notes Viewer allows users to explore and read firmware release notes

Learn more at

Explore Digi’s IoT Security, Software and Device Management Solutions 

Internet of Things solutions combine sensors, routers, networks, antennas, as well as device security and critical monitoring and management. At the heart of a robust IoT solution is sophisticated security and management software that drives the features, capabilities, and management of the system.

Any organization that adds IoT solutions can create new value. From improving safety to reducing downtime and actively monitoring security, IoT security, software and device management solutions change the game for most industries. Best of all, IoT solutions can help you create new ways to serve your customers.

Need an IoT solution? Digi is your IoT technology solutions partner, building solutions customized to your specifications. We’ll seamlessly integrate hardware, software and peripherals — everything you need for your industrial or enterprise application.

Next Steps


White paper: IoT in Smart Transportation Systems
Download your copy to learn how transit and rail are moving to the IoT

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