Enabling shell access


To enable shell access to an Accelerated User Equipment (UE) via the SSH protocol.


This article assumes the UE is running default configuration with the default user and password assignment, and central management disabled. Similar procedures apply if shell access is to be enabled in central management.

Configuration Steps

This configuration enables the local shell access for an existing default user (either admin or root). This procedure is applicable to any other users on the UE just the same.

Open the configuration page for the UE and make the following changes.

  1. Ensure Service -> SSH -> Enable is checked.
  2. Check the box under Authentication -> Groups -> admin -> Shell access.
  3. Click Save to update configurations.

Once the configurations have been successfully saved, the UE's shell can be accessed via SSH.  Below is an example shell login process:

$ ssh admin@
Access selection menu:         
    a: Admin CLI               
    s: Shell                   
    q: Quit                    
Select access or quit [admin] : s

Connecting now, 'exit' to disconnect from shell ...
