Configure multiple custom APNs

Minimum Firmware: 18.4.54


To demonstrate the use of the custom Access Point Name (APN) list by setting up three custom APNs with different authentication methods on a modem interface.  More can be specified if necessary.


This sample configuration will use hypothetical APNs on one single modem interface.  In normal practice, this configuration may not be common.  However, it can demonstrate a variety of use cases.

APN Authentication Username Password
apn.internet.none None Automatic autouser
apn.internet.pap Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) papuser pappasswd

Sample configuration

In the device's configuration page, navigate to Network > Interface > Modem.

  1. After opening the APN list, click Add next to Add APN. This is to add an APN to the list. More than one APN can be added in this section. In the case of this sample configuration, press Add two more times.
  2. In the first APN configuration section:
    1. Set APN to apn.internet.none.
    2. Leave IP version as Automatic to ensure both IPv4 and IPv6 packets are allowed from this APN.
    3. Leave Authentication method as None. This will be the most common setting for majority of the consumer APNs.
  3. In the second APN configuration section:
    1. Set APN to
    2. Leave IP version as Automatic to ensure both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic are allowed from this APN.
    3. Leave Authentication method as Automatic. The Automatic selection will determine what type of authentication the APN is employing and selecting the appropriate method for the connection.
    4. Set Username to autouser.
    5. Password can remain empty if the APN does not require one.
  4. In the third APN configuration section:
    1. Set APN to apn.internet.pap.
    2. Leave IP version as Automatic to ensure both IPv4 and IPv6 packets are allowed from this APN.
    3. Leave Authentication method as PAP. This ensures the modem, when connecting to this APN, will use PAP for its authentication method.
    4. Set Username to papuser.
    5. Set Password to pappasswd as this hypothetical APN requires a password.
  5. When all settings have been made, press Save.

The APNs in the list can be reordered by drag and dropping the APN section up/down. This governs the APN order that the modem will attempt to connect.

The APN list only check box can be optionally enabled if the modem interface should only use the customised APN list and not the inbuilt provider list. Otherwise, the modem will first attempt to establish a connection with the APNs in the APN list. If connection cannot be established, the APNs in the inbuilt provider list will be used.