Configuring a multicast route

Minimum firmware: 18.1.29


To set up an multicast-enabled device to enable multicast routing.  This allows data streams to be casted to other multicast-enabled devices upon request.


This article assumes that the hosting device and the receiving devices are multicast-enabled, and that they are correctly set up to host and receive data streams via a designated multicast IP and port.


The following diagram shows a sample setup of a hosting device (which pushes out video data) that is connected to a 6350-SR's WAN port.  The 6350-SR is then multicasting the data out via multicast address  The  receiving devices - who are in the same network as the 6350-SR, are streaming the video data via the LAN port through address

Sample configuration

Navigate to the Digi 6350-SR/6355-SR configuration page:

In Services > Multicast, insert a new name for the multicast route (for example, TestMulti) and press Add.

Ensure the Enable checkbox is selected.

Insert a multicast address that is within the range of to into the Source address field (for example,

Insert a source port in the Source port field (for example, 4242).  Ensure this port is not used by another protocol.  All necessary firewall settings to make this port work are automatic.

Select a Source interface for this route (for example, LAN).  The source interface is the interface where the receiving/client devices are connected to.

Select a Destination interface for this route (for example, WAN).  The destination interface is the interface where the device that is hosting the data stream is connected to.

Press Save at the bottom of the page to save the configuration changes.

When the device is configured, the source devices that request to get access to the multicast will receive the data stream from the destination device.