Using the local web interface

To connect to the LR54 local Web UI:

  1. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the LR54's ETH2 port to a laptop or PC.
  2. Open a browser and go to .
  3. Log into the device using a configured user name and password.

    The default user name is admin and the default password is the unique password printed on the label packaged with your device.

    Note If your device was manufactured prior to firmware version 19.11.x, the default user for logging into the device may be root, rather than admin.

    • The default user is root:
      • If the device is at a firmware level 19.8.x or older.
      • If the device has been upgraded from 19.8.x or older to 19.11.x or newer.
    • The default user is admin:
      • If the device is at 19.11.x or newer when manufactured.
      • If the device has been upgraded from 19.8.x or older to 19.11.x or newer and has been factory reset after the upgrade.

Review the dashboard

After logging in, the local web admin dashboard is displayed.

The dashboard shows the current state of the device.

Dashboard area Description
Network activity
  • Summarizes network statistics: the total number of bytes sent and received over all configured bridges and Ethernet devices.

  • Displays the status of the network interfaces configured on the device.

  • Provides information about the signal strength and technology of the cellular modem(s).

Digi Remote Manager

Displays the device connection status for Digi Remote Manager, the amount of time the connection has been up, and the Digi Remote Manager device ID.

See Using Digi Remote Manager.

The links in this section enable you to do the following:

  • Launch Digi Remote Manager: Click Go To Digi Remote Manager to open the Digi Remote Manager login page.

  • Add a device to Remote Manager: Click Register device in new account to add a device to Remote Manager using your Remote Manager login credentials.


Displays the LR54 device's status, statistics, and identifying information.

Serial Ports

Displays information about the serial ports on the LR54. Each serial port is identified by port name or number, followed by the serial port mode configured for the port.

The icons next to the port name or number shows the serial port status:

  • Empty circle: Port is not connected.

  • Green circle: Active connection on the port.

  • Red X: No signal, which is an error state where the port is not available.

  • Down arrow: One of the control signals is not active. This icon may display For for ports configured in Remote Access serial port mode and that have a signal monitor enabled (CTS or DCD) in the Monitoring Settings section.

You can click the icons at the top of the section to access other pages:

Log out of the web interface