Update system firmware

The LR54 operating system firmware images consist of a single file with the following naming convention:


For example, LR54-24.3.bin.

Manage firmware updates using Digi Remote Manager

If you have a network of many devices, you can use Digi Remote Manager Profiles to manage firmware updates. Profiles ensure all your devices are running the correct firmware version and that all newly installed devices are updated to that same version. For more information, see the Profiles section of the Digi Remote Manager User Guide.

Certificate management for firmware images

The system firmware files are signed to ensure that only Digi-approved firmware load onto the device. The LR54 device validates the system firmware image as part of the update process and only successfully updates if the system firmware image can be authenticated.


Downgrading to an earlier release of the firmware may result in the device configuration being erased.

Downgrading from firmware version 22.2.9.x

Beginning with firmware version 22.2.9.x, the LR54 device uses certificate-based communication for enhanced security when connecting to Digi Remote Manager. If you downgrade your firmware from version 22.2.9.x to version 21.11.x or previous, your device will no longer be able to communicate with Remote Manager.

To remedy this issue, select the device in Remote Manager and select Actions > Reset Device Certificate.