Unlock a SIM card

A SIM card can be locked if a user tries to set an invalid PIN for the SIM card too many times. In addition, some cellular carriers require a SIM PIN to be added before the SIM card can be used. If the SIM card is locked, the LR54 device cannot make a cellular connection.


  Command line

To unlock a SIM card:

  1. Select the device in Remote Manager and click Actions > Open Console, or log into the LR54 local command line as a user with full Admin access rights.

    Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection menu. Type admin to access the Admin CLI.

  2. At the Admin CLI prompt, use the modem puk unlock command to set a new PIN for the SIM card:
    > modem puk unlock puk_code new_pin modem_name

    For example, to unlock a SIM card in the modem named wwan with PUK code 12345678, and set the new SIM PIN to 1234:

    > modem puk unlock 12345678 1234 wwan
  3. Type exit to exit the Admin CLI.

    Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection menu. Type quit to disconnect from the device.

Note If the SIM remains in a locked state after using the unlock command, contact your cellular carrier.