Start a manual script

You can start a script that is enabled and configured to have a run mode of Manual.



    Log into the LR54 WebUI as a user with full Admin access rights.

  1. At the Status page, click Scripts.

    The Scripts page displays:

  2. For scripts that are enabled and configured to have a run mode of Manual, click Start Script to start the script.


  Command line

  1. Select the device in Remote Manager and click Actions > Open Console, or log into the LR54 local command line as a user with full Admin access rights.

    Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection menu. Type admin to access the Admin CLI.

  2. Determine the name of scripts that are currently running:
    > show scripts
     Index  Label        Enabled  Status  Run time
     -----  -----------  -------  ------  --------
     0      script1      true     active
     1      script2      true     idle     01:00
  3. Start the script:
    )> system script start script1
  4. Save the configuration and apply the change
    (config)> save
    Configuration saved.
  5. Type exit to exit the Admin CLI.

    Depending on your device configuration, you may be presented with an Access selection menu. Type quit to disconnect from the device.