Upload and download files

You can download and upload files by using the WebUI or from the command line by using the scp Secure Copy command, or by using a utility such as SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or an SFTP application like FileZilla.

Upload and download files by using the WebUI

Upload files

    Log into the AnywhereUSB Plus WebUI as a user with full Admin access rights.

  1. On the menu, click System. Under Administration, click File System.

    The File System page appears.

  2. Highlight the directory to which the file will be uploaded and click to open the directory.
  3. Click (upload).
  4. Browse to the location of the file on your local machine. Select the file and click Open to upload the file.

Download files

    Log into the AnywhereUSB Plus WebUI as a user with full Admin access rights.

  1. On the menu, click System. Under Administration, click File System.

    The File System page appears.

  2. Highlight the directory to which the file will be uploaded and click to open the directory.
  3. Highlight the appropriate file and click (download).

Upload and download files by using the Secure Copy command

Copy a file from a remote host to the AnywhereUSB Plus device

To copy a file from a remote host to the AnywhereUSB Plus device, use the scp command as follows:

> scp host hostname-or-ip user username remote remote-path local local-path to local


Transfer a file from the AnywhereUSB Plus device to a remote host

To copy a file from the AnywhereUSB Plus device to a remote host, use the scp command as follows:

> scp host hostname-or-ip user username remote remote-path local local-path to remote


To copy a support report from the AnywhereUSB Plus device to a remote host at the IP address of

  1. Use the system support-report command to generate the report:
    > system support-report path /var/log/
    Saving support report to /var/log/support-report-0040D0133536-24-01-12-12:10:00.bin
    Support report saved.
  2. Use the scp command to transfer the report to a remote host:
    > scp host user admin remote /home/admin/temp/ local /var/log/support-report-00:40:D0:13:35:36-24-01-12-12:10:00.bin to remote
    admin@'s password: adminpwd 

Upload and download files using SFTP

Transfer a file from a remote host to the AnywhereUSB Plus device

This example uploads firmware from a remote host to the AnywhereUSB Plus device with an IP address of, using the username ahmed:

$ sftp ahmed@
Connected to
sftp> put AnywhereUSB Plus-24.3
Uploading AnywhereUSB Plus-24.3 to AnywhereUSB Plus-24.3
AnywhereUSB Plus-24.3                                                                      100%  24M  830.4KB/s   00:00
sftp> exit

Transfer a file from the AnywhereUSB Plus device to a remote host

This example downloads a file named test.py from the AnywhereUSB Plus device at the IP address of with a username of ahmed to the local directory on the remote host:

$ sftp ahmed@
Connected to
sftp> get test.py
Fetching test.py to test.py
test.py                                                                             100%  254    0.3KB/s   00:00
sftp> exit