Install and uninstall the AnywhereUSB Manager using Linux

Note This only applies to Anywhere USB 2 Plus and AnywhereUSB 8 Plus. You cannot use Linux to install or uninstall the AnywhereUSB Manager on AnywhereUSB 24 Plus.

The AnywhereUSB Manager files can be installed automatically or removed using any of the following:

Install/uninstall process

Details about the installation and remove processes are found in the release notes.

  1. Navigate to the AnywhereUSB Plus support page.

    Note This link navigates to the AnywhereUSB 8 Plus support page, but you can also navigate to the AnywhereUSB 2 Plus support page. The driver is the same on both support pages.

  2. Click the Product Resources tab. This should be selected by default.

  3. In the Drivers & Patches section, click AnywhereUSB Manager.

  4. From the drop-down list box, select Linux.

  5. Click the release notes link. The release notes page displays.

  6. Scroll to the Install/Remove section of the release notes for installation and remove instructions.