The IX20 LEDs are located on the top front panel. The number of LEDs varies by model. During bootup, the front-panel LEDs light up in sequence to indicate boot progress.



No power.

Solid green

Device has power



The WAN/ETH1 Ethernet port not connected.

Flashing green

The WAN/ETH1 Ethernet port is connecting.

Solid green

The WAN/ETH1 Ethernet port is connected and has activity.

Wi-Fi Service (IX20W model only)


No Wi-Fi access points or Wi-Fi clients are enabled.

Solid green

Wi-Fi access points or Wi-Fi clients are enabled.


Indicates that SIM1 is in use.


SIM1 not in use.

Solid green

SIM1 is in use.


Indicates that SIM2 is in use.


SIM2 not in use.

Solid green

SIM2 is in use.


Indicates that the status of the cellular module and the ETH2 Ethernet port connection:

Solid yellow (or orange)

Initializing or starting up.

Flashing yellow (or orange)

In the process of connecting to the cellular network and to a device on its ETH2 port.

Flashing white

ETH2 port connection established and in the process of connecting to the cellular network.

Flashing green

Connected to 2G or 3G1 and is in the process of connecting to any device on its ETH2 port, or nothing is connected to the port.

Solid green

Connected to 2G or 3G and also has a device linked to its ETH2 port.

Flashing blue

Connected to 4G LTE and in the process of connecting to a device on its ETH2 port.

Solid blue

Connected to the 4G LTE and also has a device link to its ETH2 port.

Alternating Red/yellow (or orange)

Upgrading firmware.


1. Or an unknown type of cellular network.

Signal quality indicators

LEDs labeled 1 through 5 Indicate the cellular service quality level.

Signal bars Weighted dBm Signal strength % Quality
-113 to -99 0% to 23% Bad
-98 to -87 24% to 42%


-86 to -76 43% to 61% OK
-75 to -64 62% to 80% Good
-63 to -51 81% to 100% Excellent

The weighted dBm measurements are negative numbers, meaning values closer to zero denote a larger number. For example, a -85 is a better signal than -90.

Note See Cellular signal quality explained for more information regarding how signal strength is calculated and subsequently displayed via the LED indicators.

Ethernet Link and Activity

The LEDs on the WAN/ETH1 and ETH2 ports indicate that the Ethernet network interface is up and there is activity on the network interface.

Left LED (on top of port connector)

Right LED (on top of port connector)