Control the outlet power from a terminal (all users)

A user can log into a terminal on the Connect IT and then power the device connected to an outlet on and off.

  1. Log in to the web UI.
  2. Click System > Terminal. The Terminal screen displays.
  3. When prompted, enter your user name and password.
  4. Enter the number of the port that you want to access.
  5. Information about the port you are connected to displays, as well as commands.
    Connecting to port3: PowerManPort3
    Settings: 9600, 8, 1, none, none
    Type '~b.' to disconnect from port
    Type '~b?' to list commands
  6. Enter ~b? to display additional commands. The commands you can use to control the power to the outlets are highlighted in the table below.
Command Description
~b. Disconnect from the port.
~bB Send a BREAK sequence.
~bc Clear the history buffer.
~br Send a DTR reset sequence.

Cycle the outlets on this port.

Turn the power off, then on. If the power state for the outlet is currently off, then the power is just turned on.

~bO Power off all the outlets on this port.
~bN Power on all the outlets on this port.
~b? Display a list of commands.
  1. Enter ~b. to disconnect from the port.