Set the idle timeout for 6300-CX users

To configure the amount of time that the user's active session can be inactive before it is automatically disconnected, set the Idle timeout parameter.

By default, the Idle timeout is set to 10 minutes.



  1. Log into the 6300-CX WebUI as a user with full Admin access rights.
  2. On the menu, click System. Under Configuration, click Device Configuration.

  3. The Configuration window is displayed.

  4. Click Authentication.
  5. For Idle timeout, enter the amount of time that the active session can be idle before the user is automatically logged out.

    Allowed values are any number of weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds, and take the format number{w|d|h|m|s}.

    For example, to set Idle timeout to ten minutes, enter 10m or 600s.

  6. Click Apply to save the configuration and apply the change.