BD (Baud Rate)

This command applies to the XBee 3 Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT.

Sets or displays the serial interface baud rate for communication between the device's serial port and the host.

Modified interface baud rates do not take effect until the XBee 3 Cellular LTE-M/NB-IoT exits Command mode or you issue AC (Apply Changes). The baud rate resets to default unless you save it with WR (Write) or by clicking the Write module settings button in XCTU.

The device interprets any value between 0x4B0 and 0x0EC400 as a custom baud rate. Custom baud rates are not guaranteed and the device attempts to find the closest achievable baud rate. After setting a non-standard baud rate, query BD to find the actual operating baud rate before applying changes.

Parameter range

Standard baud rates: 0x1 - 0xA

Non-standard baud rates: 0x4B0 - 0x0EC400

Note On XBee 3 Cellular firmware versions ending in *13 or earlier, the minimum baud rate is 2400 and the maximum is 230400.

Parameter Description
0x0 1200 b/s
0x1 2400 b/s
0x2 4800 b/s
0x3 9600 b/s
0x4 19200 b/s
0x5 38400 b/s
0x6 57600 b/s
0x7 115200 b/s
0x8 230400 b/s
0x9 460800 b/s
0xA 921600 b/s


0x3 (9600 b/s)