Publish to a topic
You can use the umqtt.simple module to publish data to a topic. This code demonstrates publishing to a topic based on the Thing type and name.
Copyright (c) 2018, Digi International, Inc.
Sample code released under MIT License.
- Ensure that the umqtt/ module is in the /flash/lib directory
on the XBee Filesystem
- Ensure that the SSL certificate files are in the /flash/cert directory
on the XBee Filesystem
- "ssl_params" shows which ssl parameters are required, and gives
examples for referencing the files
- If needed, replace the file paths to match the certificates you're using
- The policy attached to the SSL certificates must allow for
publishing, subscribing, connecting, and receiving
- The host and region need to be filled in to create a valid
AWS endpoint to connect to
- Send this code to your XBee module using paste mode (CTRL-E)
- If you want to change any of the params in the method, call the method again
and pass in the params you want
from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient
import time, network
# AWS endpoint parameters
host = b'FILL_ME_IN-ats' # ex: b'abcdefg1234567'
region = b'FILL_ME_IN' # ex: b'us-east-1'
aws_endpoint = b'' % (host, region)
ssl_params = {'keyfile': "/flash/cert/aws.key",
'certfile': "/flash/cert/aws.crt",
'ca_certs': "/flash/cert/"} # ssl certs
conn = network.Cellular()
while not conn.isconnected():
print("waiting for network connection...")
print("network connected")
def publish_test(clientId="clientId", hostname=aws_endpoint, sslp=ssl_params):
# "clientId" should be unique for each device connected
c = MQTTClient(clientId, aws_endpoint, ssl=True, ssl_params=sslp)
# topic: "sample/xbee"
# message: {message: AWS Samples are cool!}
print("publishing message...")
c.publish("sample/xbee", '{"message": "AWS Sample Message"}')