Set NetworkManager configuration

You can use NetworkManager.conf, the configuration file for NetworkManager, to set up NetworkManager behavior. The default file location is /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf.

The general Network Manager configuration and the connection profiles setup can be established:

Note See NetworkManager.conf(5) for more information on the configuration file.

To create images that include your own configuration file, follow these steps:

  1. Write the configuration file NetworkManager.conf.
  2. Locate it in your layer inside the directory recipes-connectivity/networkmanager/networkmanager.
  3. Create a networkmanager_%.bbappend file inside the recipes-connectivity/networkmanager directory to extend the existing recipe file with new files.
networkmanager_%.bbappend file
  1. Build your Digi Embedded Yocto project as usual.

Note For information on configuring network settings, see: