Configure remote XBee modules
You can communicate with remote devices over the air through a corresponding local device. Configure the local device in API mode because remote commands work only in API mode. Configure remote radio modules in either API or transparent mode.
These instructions show you how to configure the LT (Associate LED blink times) parameter on a remote module.
- Add two XBee modules to XCTU. See Add XBee modules to XCTU.
- Configure the first XBee module in API mode and name it XBEE_A. See Configure an XBee module in API mode.
- Configure the second XBee module in either API or transparent mode, and name it XBEE_B.See Configure the first two XBee modules in transparent mode.
- Disconnect XBEE_B from your computer and remove it from XCTU by clicking the Remove the list of remote modules button
- Connect XBEE_B to a power supply (or laptop or portable battery).
Your Radio Modules area should look something like this.
- Select XBEE_A and click the Discover radio nodes in the same network button
- Click Add selected devices
in the Discovering remote devices dialog. The discovered remote device appears below XBEE_A.
- Select the remote device XBEE_B, and configure the following parameter:
LT: FF (hexidecimal representation for 2550 ms)
- Click the Write radio settings button
The remote XBee module now has a different LED blink time.
- To return to the default LED blink times, change the LT parameter back to 0 for XBEE_B.