Set firmware update preferences

You can configure some preferences related to the firmware update process.

  1. On the XCTU toolbar, click the Preferences button . to open the Preferences dialog.
  2. On the left side of the Preferences dialog, select Firmware Update preferences.

  1. Configure your preferred settings and click Apply.
    Remote firmware update timeout

    Configures the remote firmware update timeout in milliseconds. This is the maximum time that XCTU waits for a response sent by the remote node during the remote firmware update before determining if there was an error during the process.

    Cellular modem firmware update timeoutConfigures the cellular modem firmware update timeout in milliseconds. This is the maximum time that XCTU waits for a response sent by the modem of a Cellular device during a local firmware update before determining if there was an error during the process.
    Time to wait for the modem initializationConfigures the time to wait for the modem initialization in milliseconds. This is the maximum time that XCTU waits for the Cellular modem initialization. If this time expires and the modem version cannot be read, XCTU forces the modem firmware update.