Device disconnect reasons

A device's connection history, visible from the Properties menu, describes the reason a device disconnected.

Disconnect Reason Description
... The reason for disconnect has become stale, which sets this field to an empty string.
... OR session closed The device was disconnected by the Remote Manager server but no disconnect reason was given. It is common to see this disconnect around the same time as a server reset.
Closed after reboot The device was rebooted, automatically disconnecting the device from Remote Manager.
Connection reset by peer

The TCP connection was severed remotely from Remote Manager. Typically, a device or piece of networking equipment is causing disconnection. For example:

  • A NAT device's translation table expired the TCP connection from lack of sufficient keep-alives. This is very common in cellular devices whose EDP keep-alive is set too high.
  • The device was reconfigured to a new server and a boot action=reset was executed.
Disconnect job submitted An RCI job was submitted from SCI or the web UI.
Invalid credentials The device password was set and the device reported an incorrect token.
Invalid device ID supplied The device ID provided in the security layer was not in the expected format.
RCI timeout for device After an RCI timeout, the EDP connection is closed.
Reboot job submitted An RCI reboot job was submitted either by SCI or the web UI.
Redirect sent A connection control reset was sent from SCI or the web UI.
Reset sent An SCI or Web UI has sent a firmware reset command.
Server reset The server that the device is connected to became unavailable. This can happen during maintenance windows or server failure; in this event, the device can simply connect back in to another system.
Session closed The session timed out due to a command or inactivity.
SSL handshake failed The SSL handshake process failed. Causes for this failure may include a bad certificate.
Stale connection found

The connection was dropped due to a new TCP connection to a device reporting this device ID.

Supplied encryption form no supported The encryption form submitted is not supported.
Unexpected data in security layer An unexpected opcode appears in the security form, likely due to a corrupted packet.
Vendor ID The vendor ID reported by the device does not match any registered ID.