ConnectPort X2 LEDs and buttons


LED/button Color and Light Pattern Description

XBee Activity LEDs


Indicate network communications activity for the XBee RF module in the gateway. For more information on the states indicated by these LEDs, see the description of the D5 (DIO5 Configuration) parameter in the product manual for the XBee RF module.

Yellow (top LED)

Serial Data Out (to host)

Green (middle)

Serial Data In (from host)

Red (bottom)

Associate/Power Indicator. Indicates both power to the interface board and the network association status for the RF module in the interface board.

Solid red

RF module powered and not associated to a ZigBee network.

Blinking red

RF module has associated to a ZigBee network.

Cellular Signal Strength LEDs


Relative signal strength indicator (RSSI), shown as a number of LEDs.

  • 0: signal strength unknown or unacceptable
  • 1: signal strength low/weak
  • 3: signal strength high/excellent

You can find specific dB values for the signal via the web interface; go to Administration > System Information > Mobile. Under Mobile Connection, the signal strength appears in bars and dBm. Or, from the command line, type the display mobile command.

Ethernet Link LED

Solid yellow

Ethernet link is up.

Ethernet Activity LED

Blinking green

Ethernet traffic is on the link.

Reset button


Single press: Performs equivalent of a power-cycle.

Press and hold: Resets device configuration settings to factory defaults (factory reset).