SC (Scan Channels)

This command applies to the XBee/XBee-PRO Zigbee RF Module.

Set or read the list of channels to scan.

Coordinator - Bit field list of channels to choose from prior to starting network.

Router/End Device - Bit field list of channels scanned to find a Coordinator/Router to join.

Write changes to SC using the WR command to preserve the SC setting if a power cycle occurs.

Parameter range

0 - 0xFFFF (bit field)

Bit field mask:

Bit Parameter
0 0x0B
1 0x0C
2 0x0D
3 0x0E
4 0x0F
5 0x10
6 0x11
7 0x12
8 0x13
9 0x14
10 0x15
11 0x16
12 0x17
13 0x18
14 0x19
15 0x1A

Note When you set SC to 0xFFFF on the device, Channel 26 is not allowed to transmit at more than 3 dBm. If Channel 26 is present in the search mask (SC), active search (beaconing) for network formation by a Coordinator is limited to no more than 3 dBm on all channels.
Other communication by a Coordinator/Router/EndDevice, or active search for network joining (association) by Routers and End Devices is limited to no more than 3 dBm on Channel 26. PL and PM configuration settings control the transmit power on other channels.

