Configure the device
- Ensure that the device is set up correctly with the SIM card installed and the antennas connected as described in Connect the hardware.
- Open XCTU and click the Configuration working mode
- Add the XBee Cellular Modem to XCTU; see Add a device to XCTU.
- Select a device from the Radio Modules list. XCTU displays the current firmware settings for that device.
To switch to UDP communication, in the IP field, select 0 and click the Write button
To set the target IP address that the XBee Cellular Modem will talk to, in the DL field type click the Write button
. A CoAP server is publicly available at address
To set the XBee Cellular Modem to send data to port 5683 in decimal, in the DE field, type 1633 and click the Write button.
- To move into Transparent mode, in the AP field, select 0 and click the Write button.
- Wait for the AI (Association Indication) value to change to 0 (Connected to the Internet). You can click Read
to get an update on the AI value.