Pin configurations

Devices support both analog input and digital I/O line modes on several configurable pins.

The following table provides typical parameters for the pin configuration commands (D0 - D9, P0 - P2).

Pin command parameter Description
0 Unmonitored digital input (disabled)
1 Reserved for pin-specific alternate functionality
2 Analog input (A/D pins) or PWM output (PWM pins)
3 Digital input, monitored
4 Digital output, low
5 Digital output, high
6-9 Alternate functionality, where applicable

The following table provides the pin configurations when you set the configuration command for a particular pin.

Device pin name Device pin number Configuration command
DIO12 5


PWM0 / RSSI / DIO10 7


PWM1 / DIO11 8





DIO4 24







ASSOC / AD5 / DIO5 15





AD3 / DIO3 30


AD2 / DIO2 31


AD1 / DIO1 32


AD0 / DIO0 / Commissioning Pushbutton 33


Use the PR command to enable internal pull up/down resistors for each digital input. Use the PD command to determine the direction of the internal pull up/down resistor.

Queried sampling

You can use the IS command to query the current state of all digital input and ADC lines on the device. If no inputs are defined, the command returns with an ERROR.

If you send the IS command from Command mode, then the device returns a carriage return delimited list containing the following fields.

Field Name Description
1 Sample sets Number of sample sets in the packet. Always set to 1.
2 Digital channel mask

Indicates which digital I/O lines have sampling enabled. Each bit corresponds to one digital I/O line on the device.

bit 0 = AD0/DIO0

bit 1 = AD1/DIO1

bit 2 = AD2/DIO2

bit 3 = AD3/DIO3

bit 4 = DIO4

bit 5 = ASSOC/DIO5

bit 6 = RTS/DIO6

bit 7 = CTS/GPIO7

bit 8 = DTR / SLEEP_RQ / DIO8

bit 9 = ON_SLEEP / DIO9

bit 10 = RSSI/DIO10

bit 11 = PWM/DIO11

bit 12 = CD/DIO12

For example, a digital channel mask of 0x002F means DIO0,1,2,3, and 5 are enabled as digital I/O.

1 Analog channel mask

Indicates which lines have analog inputs enabled for sampling. Each bit in the analog channel mask corresponds to one analog input channel.

bit 0 = AD0/DIO0

bit 1 = AD1/DIO1

bit 2 = AD2/DIO2

bit 3 = AD3/DIO3

bit 4 = AD4/DIO4

bit 5 = ASSOC/AD5/DIO5

Variable Sampled data set

If you enable any digital I/O lines, the first two bytes of the data set indicate the state of all enabled digital I/O.

Only digital channels that you enable in the Digital channel mask bytes have any meaning in the sample set. If do not enable any digital I/O on the device, it omits these two bytes.

Following the digital I/O data (if there is any), each enabled analog channel returns two bytes. The data starts with AIN0 and continues sequentially for each enabled analog input channel up to AIN5.

If you issue the IS command using a a local or remote AT Command API frame, then the device returns an AT Command Response (0x88) frame with the I/O data included in the command data portion of the packet.

Example Sample AT response
0x01 [1 sample set]
0x0C0C [Digital Inputs: DIO 2, 3, 10, 11 enabled]
0x03 [Analog Inputs: A/D 0, 1 enabled]
0x0408 [Digital input states: DIO 3, 10 high, DIO 2, 11 low]
0x03D0 [Analog input: ADIO 0 = 0x3D0]
0x0124 [Analog input: ADIO 1 =0x120]