Data streams reference information

The following table provides Remote Manager data streams descriptions for Connect Tank. For additional information about data streams, see About data streams.

Short name Long name Description
abt Alarm battery Battery Life threshold setting; for example, 75 (percent).
adh Alarm delta high Delta High threshold setting; for example, 10 (inches).
adl Alarm delta low Delta Low threshold setting; for example, 10 (inches).
aem Alarm enable mask

Alarms that are enabled during the report; the value in the data stream equals the sum of the enabled alarms:

1 — Alarm high enabled (alh)

2 — Alarm low enabled (all)

4 — Alarm delta low enabled (adl)

8 — Alarm delta high enabled (adh)

64 — Alarm on sensor error

For example, if you have the Alarm high and Alarm low enabled, the aem data stream value is 3. If you have all alarms enabled, the aem data stream value is 79.

ahy Alarm hysteresis Hysteresis setting; for example, 1.0 (inch).
alh Alarm high High Threshold setting; for example, 5 (inches).
all Alarm low Low Threshold setting; for example, 500 (inches).
alt Altitude Altitude location of the device in meters.
apn APN Access point name for the cellular network your device uses.
arm Alarm reason mask

Alarms that are active during the report; the value in the data stream equals the sum of the enabled alarms:

1 — Alarm high (alh)

2 — Alarm low (all)

4 — Alarm delta low (adl)

8 — Alarm delta high (adh)

64 — Alarm on sensor error

For example, if you have the Alarm high and Alarm low enabled, the aem data stream value is 3. If you have all alarms enabled, the aem data stream value is 79.

bat Battery level Estimated percentage of battery life remaining.
cval Custom value

Value calculated from the raw value (val) using the following device settings:

Tank Volume Unit (unit)

Tank Total Height (tht)

Tank Sensor Offset (off)

Tank Total Volume (vol)

dwt Device wake reason

Reason the device woke up:

2 — normal reading or report

3 — alarm reading or report

8 — wakeup report

fix GPS fix type

GPS location (fix) information:

0 — no fix

1 — valid fix

2 — invalid fix

fwv Firmware version Firmware version on the device; for example,
gin GPS interval GPS information sent to Remote Manager every x-number of reports. The range is 1-96 reports. For example, GPS information is sent every 7 reports.
gps GPS feature

GPS enabled or disabled on the device:

0 — GPS off

1 — GPS on

isn Cloud server name URL or server address you use to connect to Remote Manager.
lat Latitude Geographic latitude location of the device.
lon Longitude Geographic longitude location of the device.
off Tank sensor offset

Distance from the Connect Tank sensor to the top of the liquid in a full tank.

phn SMS phone number Phone number associated with your device’s SIM card.
rdp Read period (minutes) Number of minutes between readings.
rsi RSSI Signal strength of the cellular network.
scs Sensor connected status

Device sensor connection state:

0 — sensor not connected to the device

1 — sensor connected to the device

sdc Send count Maximum number of readings that are sent during one report.
sdp Send interval Number of readings between each data transmission.
sdpd Read period (days)

Number of days between readings.

When sdpd is used, the device follows the First Daily Report At HHMM (sst) setting.

ser Sensor error

Sensor error state:

0 — sensor error

1 — no error

sst Send start time Number of minutes after midnight UTC that the new day begins and the first report of the day is sent.
sty Sensor type

Type of sensor on your device.

1 — M300/150 (short range)

2 — M300/95 (mid range)

tht Tank height total

Total tank height in inches.

tmp Temperature Temperature in the tank, measured in degrees Celsius.
tum Tank upload method

Method the device uses to send data to Remote Manager.

Note The only method supported in this version of Connect Tank is TCP/IP.

unit Tank volume unit

Unit of measurement that you are converting to, such as gallons or liters.

val Distance Distance in inches the device sensor is from the surface of the liquid.
vol Total tank volume

Total volume of the tank in the defined unit, such as gallons (unit defined in Tank Volume Unit).